Multiply/Divide Fractions #1
Word Problems #1
Word Problems #2
Multiply/Divide Fractions #2
2/3 X 4/5
What is 8/15

Jamar has a 8 ft. long wooden board that he needs to cut into pieces for his treehouse. If the boards he needs to cut are 1/6 of a foot long, how many boards can he get out of what he has?

What is 48 pieces.


Jason has 1/2 of a pizza and wants to share it equally among 4 people. How much of a pizza will each person get?

What is 1/8


4/5 times 1/3

What is 4/15


To multiply two fractions together you follow this process

What is multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together


6 divided by 1/4

What is 24


At summer camp, the field hockey game is 1/4 hours. The counselors have set aside 4 hrs for games to be played. How many games can be played in that time?

What is 16 games.


Tina is using ribbon to make bows. If Tina needs 1/5 of a foot of ribbon to make each bow and she has 2 feet of ribbon, how many bows can she make?

What is 10.


1/8 divided by 2

What is 1/16.


Change 4 and 3/4 to an improper fraction.

What is 19/4


2/3 divided by 4

What is 2/12 (50 extra points if you put 1/6)


JJ is spending 3/4 of his allowance at the mall. Of the money spent at the mall, 1/2 is spent on new earphones. What part of his allowance did he spend on earphone?

What is 3/8 of his money.


Three friends buy a pack of donuts. There are 12 donuts in the package and each friend will receive 1/3 of the package. How many donuts will each friend receive?

What is 4

5 times 1/3
What is 1 2/3.

To change 4 into a fraction you would follow this process.

What is put a one below the 4

2/3 X 3/13
What is 6/39 or 2/13

AJ is organizing his movie collection. He discovers that 5/8 of his movies are action movies. If he has 46 movies, about how many are action movies?

What is about 30 movies.


There are 95 students at Maxwell Elementary school. 4/5 of them attend the behavior reward party at the end of the school year. How many students get to attend the party?

What is 76


4 divided by 1/5

What is 20


To divide fractions you follow this process

What is keep the first fraction, change the sign to multiply, flip the second fraction over.


5/6 X 3/5

What is 15/30 (50 extra points if you put 1/2)


A bag contains 50 pieces of candy. If 2/5 of the pieces are red, how many pieces are NOT red?

What is 30 pieces.


Mr. Wilson bought a bag of bird seed and put 1/2 of it in his bird feeder. The other half he split evenly among his 4 pet birds. How much bird seed to each of his pet birds receive?

What is 1/8

18 divided by 1/4
What is 72.

Change 36/5 into a mixed number.

What is 7 and 1/5