Multiplication OR Division
Multi-Step Problems

Miriam has 9 baskets. There are 0 muffins in each basket. How many muffins are there in all the baskets?

9 x 0= 0

What is 0 muffins?


Pat puts 48 raisins into groups to go on top of muffins. She wants each muffin to have the same number of raisins. She is making 8 muffins. How many raisins go in each group?

48 divided by 8= 6

What is 6 raisins?


Mariah planted 9 tomato plants, and on each plant sprouted 6 tomatoes. How many tomatoes does Mariah have in all?

9 x 6= 54

What is 54 tomatoes?


Charlie bought 4 boxes of paper clips. Each box holds 10 paper clips. Charlie gave away 8 paper clips. How many paper clips does he have now?

4 x 10=40


What is 32 paper clips?


Cameron has 20 marbles and 4 bags. He puts the same number of marbles into each bag. How many marbles did he have in each bag

20 divided by 4= 5

What is 5 marbles?


Mr. Jackson gave 5 sheets of green drawing paper to each of 3 students. How many sheets of drawing paper did Mr. Jackson give out?

5 x 3= 15

What is 15 sheets?


The 32 students in Ms. Rodriguez's class are forming equal groups. Each group will study on of the 8 planets. How many students should be in each group?

32 divided by 8 = 4

What is 4 students?


Enzo has 49 books on 7 shelves. If he has an equal number of books on each shelf, then how many books does he have on each shelf?

49 divided by 7=7

What are 7 books?


Cameron delivered 7 bundles of newspapers.Each bundle had 4 newspapers. He gave away some newspapers now he has 18 left. How many newspapers did he give away?

7 x 4=28


He gave away 10 newspapers?


Hermione bought 9 books for Hogwarts. She spent a total of $90. If each book cost the same amount, then how much did each book cost?

$90 divided by 9 books= $10 for each book

What is $10 per book.


Lake Weston Elementary School was having a bake sale. There were 5 plates of cupcakes, and on each plate there were 7 cupcakes. How many cakes were there in all?

5 x 7 = 35

What is 35 cupcakes?


Sandy collects stickers. Sandy has 36 stickers. She put the stickers on 9 sheets with an equal number of stickers on each sheet. How many stickers did she put on each sheet?

36 divided by 9 = 4

4 stickers on each page?


Lake Weston is having a plant sale. There were 8 trays of plants, and each tray had 6 plants. How many plants were on each tray?

8 x 6= 48

What are 48 plants?


Ronald  bought 8 boxes of chocolate almonds, each box had 6 almonds. He gives away 18 almonds to his friend. How many almonds does he have left?

8 x 6=48 almonds

48- 18= 30 almonds left

Ronald has 30 almonds left


A club is going on a field trip. There are 30 club members that will ride in vans. Each van holds 6 people. How many vans does the club need?

30 divided by 6=5

What are 5 vans?


Kendra wanted to cut some ribbon for a few gifts. She had 10 gifts she needed to make, and each gift she needed 4 feet of ribbon. How much ribbon did she use in all?

10 x 4 = 40

What is 40 feet of ribbon?


Jamie has a piece of blue yarn that is 21 inches long. She cut the yarn into 3 equal pieces. How many equal pieces did she cut?

21 divided by 3= 7

What is 7 equal pieces?


A group of people went on a river trip. There were 7 rafts with 6 people on each raft. How many people in all were on the river trip?

7 x 6= 42

What are 42 people?


There are 9 pens in a pack. Ms. Scott buys 9 packs. After giving her students some pens, she has 27 pens left. How many pens did she give away?

9 x 9=81 pens

81- 27= 54 pens given away


A gardener planted 45 plants in 5 rows. How many plants are in each row?

45 divided by 5=9

What is 9 plants in each row?


Kentucky Wildcats played some basketball. John Wall made a slam dunk 9 times, and earned 2 points each time. How many points did John Wall earn from slam dunks.

9 x2 = 18

What is 18 points?


Shondra wants to put 24 plants in the rows of her garden. She wants to put the same number of plants in each row. If she made 4 rows, then how many plants would be in each row?

24 divided by 4 = 6

What is 6 plants in each row?


Hank has 63 pieces of candy and he wants to separate them equally into 7 bags. How many pieces of candy will Hank put in to each bag?

63 divided by 7=9

What is 9 pieces of candy?


Gavriel buys 7 packs of movies. Each pack has 5 movies. He gives some movies away and now has 30 movies. How many movies did he give away?

7 x 5= 35 movies

35-30=5 movies

He gives away 5 movies.


There are 35 firefighters attending a meeting, and an equal number are seated at 7 tables. How many firefighters are at each table?

35 divided by 7=5

What are 5 firefighters?