Solve using mental math. 50 x 5
What is 250?
Write the equation for the following array. 5 rows of 7
What is 5 x 7?
Solve the equation using area model. 52 x 8
What is 416?
Solve the equation using lattice. 23 x 15
What is 345?
Solve the equation using standard algorithm. 125 x 12.
What is 1,500?
Solve using mental math. 80 x 30
What is 240?
Write the equation for the following array. 8 groups of 3
What is 8 x 3?
Solve the equation using area model. 121 x 4
What is 484?
Solve the equation using lattice. 48 x 23
What is 1,104?
Solve the equation using standard algorithm. 23 x 24.
What is 552?
Solve using mental math. 600 x 70
What is 42,000?
Write the equation for the following array. 2 groups of13
What is 2 x 13?
Solve the equation using area model. 98 x 6
What is 588?
Solve the equation using lattice. 63 x 18
What is 1,134?
Solve the equation using standard algorithm. 249 x 3.
What is 747?
Solve using mental math. 90 x 40
What is 3,600?
Write the equation for the following array. 20 groups of 7
What is 20 x 7?
Solve the equation using area model. 243 x 5
What is 1,215?
Solve the equation using lattice. 74 x 36
What is 2,664?
Solve the equation using standard algorithm. 245 x 12.
What is 2,940?
Solve using mental math. 500 x 800
What is 400,000?
Write the equation for the following array. 34 groups of 12
What is 34 x 12?
Solve the equation using area model. 620 x 8
What is 4,960?
Solve the equation using lattice. 92 x 42
What is 3,864?
Solve the equation using standard algorithm. 1405 x 203.
What is 285,215?