The number on the bottom of the fraction
What is the denominator?
Divide the fractions. 1/3 ÷ 2/5
What is 5/6
The number on the top of the fraction
What is the numerator?
Divide the fractions. 4/5 ÷ 2
What is 2/5
The meaning of KCF.
Divide the fractions. 3/4 ÷ 7/12
What is 1 2/7
The answer to a multiplication problem.
What are the product?
Write this fraction in simplest form. 9/25
What is 9/25?
Multiply the fractions. 2/3 x 7/8
What is 14/24 = 7/12
Divide the fractions. 6 ÷ 2/3
What is 18/2 or 9
The answer to a division problem
What is the quotient?
Multiply the fractions. 1 1/3 x 3
What is 4
Divide the fractions. 9 ÷ 1/9
What is 81