Multiplying Fractions
Multiplying Fractions
Dividing Fractions
Dividing Fractions
A dime is 1/2 inch wide. If you put 5 dimes end to end, how long would they be from beginning to end?
What is 2 1/2 inches long?
3/4 of a pan of brownies was sitting on the counter. You decided to eat 1/3 of the brownies in the pan. How much of the whole pan of brownies did you eat?
What is 1/4 of the pan?
You have 2/4 of a pizza and you want to share it equally between 2 people. How much of the pizza does each person get?
What is 1/4 of the pizza?
A book shelf is 3 1/2 feet long. Each book on the shelf is 5/8 inches wide. How many books will fit on the shelf?
What is 5 books on the shelf?
You have 10 cookies and want to give 1/2 of them to a friend. How many do you give to your friend?
What is 5 cookies?
You have 2/3 of a pumpkin pie left over from Thanksgiving. You want to give 1/2 of it to your sister. How much of the whole pumpkin pie will this be?
What is 1/3?
A baker is making cakes for a big party. She uses 1/4 cup of oil for each cake. How many cakes can she make if she has a bottle of oil that has 6 cups in it?
What is 24 cakes?

Each team had to write 5 1/2 for a combined paper. When all the teams put their papers together, there was a total of 44 pages. How many teams had worked on this paper?

(Daily Double)

What is 8 teams?

You have 8 donuts and you want to give 1/4 of them to a friend. How many donuts would your friend get?
What is 2 donuts?
One of the cats in the neighborhood had six kittens all about the same size. If each of the new kittens weighed about 5 1/2 ounces, how much would all the new kittens weigh?
What is 33 ounces?
The serving size for the granola that Ted likes to eat for breakfast is 3/4 cup. How many servings are there in a box that holds 13 cups?
What is 17 1/3 servings?
Lynn has 15 different color markers in her set. The total weight of the markers is 37 1/2 ounces. If each marker weighs the same, how much does each marker weigh?
What is 2.5 ounces?
Five friends buy a package of 12 cookies and want to share them equally. Each friend will get 1/5 of the cookies. How much will each friend get?
What is 2 2/5 cookies?

Linda started taking piano lessons. She had to practice 1 3/4 hours each day. If after 8 days, Linda decided to stop taking lessons- how many hours did she take lessons?

(Daily Double)

What is 14 hours?

How many 1/2 cup servings are in a package of cheese that contains 5 1/4 cups altogether?
What is 10 1/2 servings?
Larry bought 12 1/2 pounds of candy to share with his friends. If he gave 2 1/2 pounds to each of his friends, how many friends did he share his candy with?
What is 5 friends?
You have 6 donuts and you want to give 2/3 of them to a friend and keep the rest for yourself. How many donuts would your friend get?
What is 4 donuts?
Mr. Somers had twenty pieces of metal that were all the same length. If each piece of metal was 3 1/5 inches long and he put them side by side, what would be the total length of all the pieces together?
What is 64 inches?
Mrs. Murphy's class is making pillow cases. Each pillow case uses 3/4 of a yard of fabric. How many pillow cases can they make out of 12 1/2 yards of fabric?
What is 16 pillow cases?
Mary has 1/7 spool of ribbon. She wants to share it equally among herself and 3 friends. How much ribbon did each person get?
What is 1/28?