Fraction Basics
Visual Fractions
Word Problems
Mixed Numbers
Fraction Properties

Clue: When multiplying fractions, you multiply these parts of the fractions together.

Correct Response: What are numerators and denominators?


This visual represents the multiplication problem 

3/4 x 1/2 

Correct Response: What is 3/8?


If a recipe calls for 3/4 cup of flour, and you want to make 1/2 of the recipe, you'll need this much flour.

Correct Response: What is 3/8 cup?


Clue: To multiply mixed numbers, you first convert them to this type of fraction.

Correct Response: What is an improper fraction?


Clue: The result of 3/4 x 4/3.

Correct Response: What is 1?


Clue: The result of 1/4 x 1/3 

Correct Response: What is 1/12


This visual represents the multiplication problem 

4/9 x 1/3 

Correct Response: What is 4/27? 


 If a garden plot is 2/3 of an acre, and you plant tomatoes on 1/4 of the plot, the tomatoes cover this fraction of an acre.

Correct Response: What is 1/6 of an acre?


Clue: The result of 1 1/2 x 2? 

Correct Response: What is 3?

Clue: The reciprocal of 1/2.

Correct response: What is 2/1? 


When multiplying a fraction by this number, the product equals the fraction.

Correct Response: What is 1?


This visual represents the multiplication problem 

2/5 x 3/4 

Correct Response: What is 6/20 or 3/10? 


If 3/5 of the students in a class play sports, and 2/3 of those students play basketball, this fraction of the class plays basketball.

Correct Response: What is 2/5?


Clue: The result of 2 1/3 x 1/2.

Correct Response: What is 1 1/6?


Clue: When you multiply a fraction by this, the product is always less than the original fraction.

Correct Response: What is a fraction less than 1?


Clue: The result of 2/3 x 3/4

Correct Response: What is 1/2?


 This area model represents this multiplication problem.

 Response: What is 2/3 x 3/4? 


A carpenter has a board that is 5/6 meter long. If she uses 3/4 of the board for a project, this is how much of the board she used in meters.

Correct Response: What is 5/8 meter?


Clue: The result of 1 1/4 x 2 1/2.

Correct Response: What is 3 1/8?


Clue: If a/b x c/d = 1, then c/d is this to a/b. 

Correct Response: What is the reciprocal (or multiplicative inverse)?


Clue: When multiplying fractions, if the product is greater than either factor, this must be true about at least one of the factors.

Correct Response: What is "it's greater than 1" (or "it's an improper fraction")?


This visual representation shows the multiplication problem 5 x 2/3. 

What is 10/3 or 3 1/3? 


Clue: A tank is 2/3 full of water. If 4/5 of the water evaporates, the tank is now filled to this fraction of its capacity.

Correct Response: What is 2/15?


Clue: The result of 2 2/3 x 1 1/2.

Correct Response: What is 4?


Clue: When multiplying fractions, this property allows us to change the order of the factors without changing the product.

Correct Response: What is the commutative property?