Area of a Rectangle
Fraction by Fraction
Word Problems
Order Of Operation

What is the area of a Rectangle with a length of 4in and a width of 13in?

52 sq. inches

5/6 X 5/6
What is 25/36
In Aaliyah's grade, 2/3 of the students have a sister. Of the students who have a sister, 1/2 also have a brother. What fraction of the students in Aaliyah's grade have both a sister and a brother? Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.
What is 1/3

(16+4) x 5 = 

What is 100

1/4 X 5
What is 5/4 or 1 1/4
1/2 X 4
What is 2
1/3 X 2/7
What is 2/21
Justin operates an orange juice stand. On Monday he used 3/4 of a bag of oranges. On Tuesday he used 1/10 as many oranges as on Monday. How many bags of oranges did Justin use on Tuesday? Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.
What is 3/40

8 + 5 x 5 = 

What is 33

7/8 X 4/7
What is 1/2
2/3 x 4
What is 8/3 OR 2 2/3
4/5 X 7/8
What is 7/10
The elephants at the Norfolk Zoo are fed 1/2 a barrel of corn each day. The buffalo are fed 7/10 as much corn as the elephants. How many barrels of corn are the buffalo fed each day? Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.
What is 7/20

11 + 3 x 16 = 

What is 59

Of the songs in Maggy's music library, 3/5 are rock songs. Of the rock songs, 1/2 feature a guitar solo. What fraction of the songs in Maggy's music library are rock songs that feature a guitar solo? Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.
What is 3/10
4/5 X 10
What is 8
7/9 x 5/7
What is 35/63
Nevaeh had 1/3 of an apple pie. She gave 3/4 of what she had to her friend Braniyah. What fraction of the whole pie did Braniyah get? Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.
What is 1/4

13 + 3 x (28-20)

What is 37

Jacario has 1/2 of a cup of powdered sugar. He sprinkles 1/3 of the sugar onto a plate of brownies and sprinkles the rest onto a plate of lemon cookies. How much sugar does Matthew sprinkle on the brownies? Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.
What is 1/6
12 X 3/4
What is 9
3/8 X 7/9
What is 21/72
At Sweet Tarrant School, 3/4 of the students play an instrument. Of the students who play an instrument, 2/7 play a string instrument. What fraction of the students at Sweet Tarrant School play a string instrument? Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.
What is 6/28

9 x 5 - (20+3 x 3)

What is 16

Jacob owns 7/10 of an acre of farmland. He grows beets on 1/2 of the land. On how many acres of land does Jacob grow beets? Simplify your answer and write it as a proper fraction or as a whole or mixed number.
What is 7/20