The answer when multiplying two factors
3 x 2 = 6
The value of 5 x 0.03
(5 x 3 hundredths)
What is 0.15
(15 hundredths)
The value of 0.2 x 0.4
(2 tenths x 4 tenths)
What is 0.08
(8 hundredths)
How many days are in February during a leap year?
What is 29
The place value 2 places to the right of the decimal point
What is HUNDREDTHS place
The value of 6 x 0.4
(6 x 4 tenths)
What is 2.4
(24 tenths)
(2 and 4 tenths)
The value of 1.2 x 0.3
(1 and 2 tenths x 3 tenths)
(12 tenths x 3 tenths)
What is 0.36
(36 hundredths)
Who is CCA's mascot?
Who is Comet the Dog!
The numbers you multiply to find the product.
2 x 3 = 6
What are FACTORS
The value of 10 x 0.13
(10 x 13 hundredths)
What is 1.30
(130 hundredths)
(1 and 30 hundredths)
The value of 0.5 x 2.1
(5 tenths x 2 and 1 tenth)
(5 tenths x 21 tenths)
What is 1.05
(105 hundredths)
(1 and 5 hundredths)
Who is your Math/ELA teachers?
Who is Mrs. McAndrew and Mrs. Gottshall!
The place value 1 place to the right of the decimal point.
What is TENTHS place
The value of 3 x 2.2
(3 x 22 tenths)
What is 6.6
(66 tenths)
(6 and 6 tenths)
The value of 2.5 x 0.6
(2 and 5 tenths x 6 tenths)
(25 tenths x 6 tenths)
What is 1.50
(150 hundredths)
(1 and 50 hundredths)
Which of the following is NOT a color in the rainbow:
Red, Yellow, Black, Green
What is Black
The place value 3 places to the right of the decimal point.
What is THOUSANDTHS place
The value of 4 x 1.4
(4 x 14 tenths)
What is 5.6
(56 tenths)
(5 and 6 tenths)
The value of 2.3 x 3.4
(2 and 3 tenths x 3 and 4 tenths)
(23 tenths and 34 tenths)
What is 7.82
(782 hundredths)
(7 and 82 hundredths)
What month has the first day of Spring this year?
February, March, or April
What is March
(March 19th)