multiplying by single digits
multiplying double digits by double digits
multiplying triple digits by double digits
multiply by powers of 10

Jane ate 3 cookies for snack for 109 days how many cookies did she have in all?

What is 327


45 X 72 = ?

What is 3,240


1,204 x 54 = ?

What is 65,016


100 X 45 =



Which estimate is most reasonable for 46 X 18

a. 100

b. 200

c. 1,000

d. 10,000

What is c- 1,000


185 X 7= ?

What is 1,295


23 people visit the library every day for 13 days. How many people visit the library?

What is 299


365 x 75 = ?

What is 27,375


Which exponent is missing to make the statement true?

10__  X  432= 43,200

What is 2

Find an approximate value of 412 X 92

What is 36,000


Savannah drove 122 miles each for 5 days. How many miles did she drive?

What is 610


Maci makes $15 an hr babysitting. If she babysits for 32 hours next week, how much will she make?

What is $480


222 children attend Mount Carmel School. Each student is asked to donate 12 pencils to the school at the beginning of the year. How many pencils are donated?

What is 2,664


When mulitplying a factor by "ten to the power of 4" what whole number are you multiplying by?

What is 10,000


Estimate 4,206 X 32

What is 120,000


3,472 X 8=

What is 27,776


An elevator can carry 15 adults or 20 children at one time. During the course of a day, the elevator carries a full passenger load 52 times. If all the passengers were children, how many passengers did the elevator carry that day?

What is 780


What is a reasonable estimate of 7,316 X 48=

What is 350,000


9,345 X 1,000= 

What is 9,345,000


Mariah is packing boxes with pairs of gloves to donate to a shelter. She puts 312 pairs of glove in each of the 12 boxes. She estimates she packed about 3,000 gloves. Is this an overestimate or underestimate? Explain how you know. 

What is underestimate- she rounded both factors down. 


Find an approximate estimate for 4,576 X 8= 

What is 45,000 or 46,000  or 50,000


An elevator can carry 15 adults or 20 children at one time. During the course of a day, the elevator carries a full passenger load 52 times. If all the passengers were children,how many more people would the elevator carry than if all the passengers were adults?

What is 260


345 candy bars were sold by 16 public schools for a fall fundraiser. 295 were sold by 14 private schools. How many candy bars were sold altogether? 

What is 9,650

At the football championship game, the home team gave away a football to to the first 100 fans that arrived. If each football cost $26, how much did the team pay for the footballs it gave away?

What is $2,600


Michael is filling egg cartons on his family's farm. He puts 12 eggs in each carton. The farm fills 121 egg cartons. He thinks that there were over 1,500 eggs. Is he correct? Explain why or why not. 

What is no because 120 X 12= 1,440 eggs so 1,500 would be too large of an amount.