The body of a person or animal preserved after death is a…
T or F? Animals were also mummified.
The number of steps taken to mummify a body was…
7 steps
The items stuffed inside the body to fill it up were…
***10x Jeopardy***
Natron, sawdust, leaves
The name of the glue used to keep the layers of linen together is…
The name of the coffin the body was placed in at the end is a…
T or F? The mummification process took 80 days.
FALSE, 70 days
The name of the glue used to keep the layers of linen together is…
The God painted ON the outer cloth of the body was…
Step 1 of the embalming process is…
Embalming the Body
The name of the jars used to protect the organs on their journey to the afterlife is…
Canopic Jars
T or F? Ancient Egyptians only mummified men.
FALSE, they mummified men and women
The tone (color) used in women’s and men's masks were…
Women- yellow
Men- red
Egyptians believed which organ was the center of intelligence and feeling?
The heart
***4x Jeopardy***
Which aspects/trait of the burial mask showed power and respect?
A beard and big eyebrows
The name of the blue stone used in burial masks is…
Lapis Lazuli
T or F? The four organs removed in the process were the lungs, heart, brain and stomach.
FALSE, the lungs, liver, stomach, intestines, NOT the heart
What was Step 6 of the embalming process?
Which organ did the embalmers remove with a hook?
The brain
The God who was represented by the jackal was…
***Double Jeopardy***
The name of the salt-like substance used to dry out the organs and body is…
T or F? A priest read spells from the Book of Life during embalming.
FALSE, Book of Dead
Why did the burial mask need to look just like the deceased person?
So the soul could find its body in the afterlife.
What were the bodies washed with in step 1?
***Triple Jeopardy***
Palm wine and Nile River water
The length of time the body was covered with natron was…
40 days