motions 1
motions 2
stages of committee
or directives

This is the first motion of the conference and is made to move into formal debate and open the primary speakers list.

what is motion to open debate? 


This Motion requests that the chair conduct a roll-call at the beginning of debate. The chair will then call out everyone's countries name and ask "present or present and voting" 

What is Motion for Roll Call?


If you have a question to the chair about the committee either before or during the session

What is Point of Inquiry? 


first thing done in  committee 

What is Opening debate and role call? 


documents written by delegates that committees debate and pass during crisis scenarios

What is a Directive? 


by enacting this motion, it will allow you to start a list of speakers towards the beginning of the conference.

Motion to open the speakers' list? 


This motion adjourns the committee session for good. This is the final motion given.

What is Motion to adjourn? 


The beginning of committee, when delegates give their first speeches about the topic they are given 

What is Opening speeches?


a document that contains all the issues that the committee wants to solve and the proposed solutions to that issue,this is used in GA

What is a resolution? 


This motion brings the delegates into a debate on a specific issue, for a specific amount of people, for a specific amount of time that is vote a majority rule on.

What is Motion to enter Moderated Caucas? 


This motion temporarily suspends the meeting for a specific amount of time, this motion allows people to get up and talk to other delegates, write resolutions, and anything else you need to do.

What is an Unmoderated Caucus?


Used where you experience some discomfort which hinders you from participating fully in the committee proceedings (ex: it is too cold in the room, you can't hear the speaker, you need to use the restroom etc.)

What is point of Personal Privilege?


This stage typically begins with moderated and unmoderated caucus, when most of the committee has made their opening speeches and it becomes more important to find allies and form caucus blocs.

What is Cacusing? 


This contains preambulatory clauses

What is a resolution?


This motion brings an amendment that has already been submitted to the chair with the appropriate number of signatories and debated then voted if this ammendment should be added to the resoltion. 

What is Motion to Indroduce an Unfriendly Amendment?


This motion is made with a specific topic mentioned to be debated first and the other topic being debated second.

What is Motion to set the agenda?


When cacus blocs have formed and solidified and delegates start writing these, this stage more happens at the end of the committee.

What is writing resolutions?


This is a quick solution to a smaller issue

What is a directive?


This motions stops the meeting between sessions. This Motion requires a second, is not debatable, and needs a simple majority to pass? 

What is Motion to suspend the Meeting? 


This motion brings a working paper (what a resolution is known as before its voted on) that is already approved by the chair with the appropriate number of signatories to the floor for debate. 

What is Motion to introduce a working paper? 


Used where you believe a mistake of procedure has been made (ex: where someone was skipped on the Speaker's list, or the wrong voting procedure was used for a matter.)

What is Point of order? 


After resolutions have been submitted to the chair for review and the committee is making speeches for and against resolutions.

What is debating resolutions? 


This is worked on over the course of the whole committee

What is a resolution?