How should the first word/phrase of a preambulatory clause be formatted?
What does POI stand for?
Point of Information
What motion can you raise if you want the house to debate longer than the allocated time?
Motion to extend debate time
Explain what things are debated in the Population Movement Council (PMC).
Refugee crisis, migration, asylum seekers, etc.
Literally anything related to “population movement”
In how many conferences did SPASH MUN have a delegate of the United States during this semester?
All 4 (SPASH, Concordia, UNIS, and BIS)
How many times should full stop be used in a resolution and where should it/they be located?
ONLY ONCE at the very end of the resolution
How many times can the floor be yielded to another delegate consecutively?
ONLY ONCE; yielding the floor to the 2nd degree is not in order
What motion can you raise if you want the house to entertain more POIs?
Motion to extend the POIs
Which General Assembly (GA) debates economic and financial issues?
How many awards did SPASH MUN receive from conferences this semester?
6; 1 from Concordia + 5 from BIS
What must the heading of a resolution contain? (List all 4.)
Committee (forum), issue (question), main submitter (sponsors), and co-submitters (signatories)
What should the delegate say in order to ask another POI after their first POI? How many times can this be used at a time?
ONLY ONCE: follow-up to the 2nd degree is not in order
What do you have to say when you are for the motion? When you are against it?
If you are against a motion, say "objection."
Which of the 16 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations is “Gender Equality?”
What are the names of the 2 teams that the Leadership Team is divided into? List all members in each team as well.
Research Team: Hyunchan, Juhwan, Donggyu
Communication Team: Emma, Yuji
What is the minimum number of subclauses needed for an operative clause? What is it called if an operative clause does not meet this requirement?
At least 2; if not, hanging clause
When giving out the opening speech, what is the role of the main submitter?
The main submitter of a resolution should:
1. present the resolution by reading out all operative clauses excluding subclauses before debating the resolution
2. deliver a speech that outlines the resolution as a whole, which comes before any other speeches on the resolution
3. advocate the resolution the most actively
When is motion to move to the previous question used?
When the delegate wishes to direct the house to voting procedure on the current agenda (resolution, amendment, etc.)
When the delegate wishes to move to the next agenda or procedure (speech for or against, voting procedure, etc.)
What is the name of the committee that is most likely to debate the issue of human rights abuses in conflict zones?
Human Rights Council (HRC)
How many POIs were made during the 2024 September SPASH Conference (Closest team gets the point)
Why are operative phrases always in 3rd person's perspective?
Because they are verbs whose subject is the committee name that is written in uppercase right before the 1st preambulatory clause
What is the first thing that a delegate must do before starting any of their speech?
Addressing the chair and the house by saying,
"Honorable chairs and fellow delegates"
or any other greetings
When is motion to divide the house used?
When the delegate wishes to re-conduct voting procedure without abstentions
When there are too many abstaining delegates
When the number of votes for and against resolution is about the same
What is the difference between Security Council and Reform Security Council?
SC: P5 nations (US, UK, France, China, and Russia) hold veto power
RSC: P9 nations hold veto power, which is P5 plus G4 (Germany, Japan, Brazil, India)
(Veto: the power to delete a clause or subclause of a resolution after discussion only between nations with such power)
What is the nationality of the current Secretary General of the United Nations?