Current/Recent Events
The United Nations
World History

Name at least 3 countries/regions where there is ongoing combat happening right now.

What is Gaza, Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan, the Sahel?


The United Nations was formed under the UN Charter in which year?

What is 1945?


What was the date of the start of WWII?

What is September 1, 1939?


Name 3 seas.

God I'm not listing out all the seas, I hope you guys know at least 3 seas


What were the 3 countries in the Triple Alliance formed during WWI?

What are Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany?


Name 3 world leaders and their corresponding countries.

Who is Joe Biden, USA? Who is Kier Starmer, UK? Who is Olaf Scholz, Germany? Who is Fumio Kishida, Japan? Who is Xi Jinping, China? Who is Emmanuel Macron, France? (not exhaustive obviously)


In 1950, the UN intervened in a war happening in this country

What is Korea?


Which 3 major allied leaders met at the Yalta Conference which happened during WWII?

Who are Stalin, Churchill, and FDR?

Name all the Nordic countries.

What are Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland and Sweden?


How many times has the United States officially declared war?

What is 5?


What country is the youngest country in the world? (Bonus points if you say which year it was formed)

What is South Sudan? What is 2011


Name 2 of the main bodies of the UN

What are the GA, UNSC, ICJ, ECOSOC, Trusteeship Council, and Secretariat?


The Space Race was kicked off by the launch of a Soviet satellite called what?

What is Sputnik I


Name 12 countries in Europe

I'm not typing this out, you guys should know this. 


Which treaty ended the War of 1812?

What is the treaty of Ghent


Name a country that had a coup or attempted coup in the last 2 years (2024, 2023)

What is Bolivia, Gabon, DRC, 


What are the 5 permanent members of the UNSC

What are the US, Russia, China, France, and the UK


Which year did Germany surrender in WWI, marking the end of the conflict?

What is 1918?


Name 5 rivers and a country they flow through (country cannot be repeated)

Rhine - Germany, Danube - Romania, Nile - Egypt, Amazon - Brazil, Indus - Pakistan, Mississippi - United States, Volga - Russia, Yellow - China, Congo - DRC


Napoleon was defeated once and for all at this battle in 1815

What is the Battle of Waterloo?


The Nagorno-Karabakh is a region in the Caucasus region fought over between these two countries. What year did the region get conquered by one of these countries? (Give country and year)

What are Azerbaijan and Armenia? What is 2023


Name an observer state of the UN

What is the Vatican City or Palestine?


What was the German Republic set up after WWI called?

What is The Weimar Republic/German Reich?


This question is not worth 500 points. You have 5 minutes (from when I finish reading this out) to write as many capitals as possible, for each capital, you get 15 points, you do not have to specify country. You may collaborate with your team

I'm not typing this


What are the top 5 countries with the highest GDPs?

What are the United States, China, Germany, Japan, and India?