This motion must always be made before ending a committee session
motion to close debate
the point when you need something like the heat turned up or the go to the bathroom
point of personal privilege
when would you yeild
what is the lengthy process that happens at the beginning of the committee
role call
whats more disruptice at lymun 10/1 or 9/45
motion to set the topic
a point for when you have a question about debate
point of inquiry
who do you yield to when you have extra time
the chair
why do we set an agenda
so we know what topic were debating
whats more disrputive 10 minute unmod or a 12/45
10 minute unmod
The motion the gives delegates the ablity to walk about and freely talk
motion for an unmmod
true or false points get voted on
what do you yield
your time
what happenes if no motions pass
you go to the apeakers list
the 1/2 one
The motion for speeches with a specific time and specific topic
motion for an unmod
what 3 key parts do you need in your motion for a mod
time number of speakers and topic
what is a motion to divied the question
when you vote on a paper clause by clause
what are to two main parts of debate
mods and unmods
why does the disruptiveness determine
the order motions are voted in
the motion when you want to present the paper you've been working on
motion to introduce working papers
When do you get a right of reply
when someone directly attacks you
What country joined the UN most recently
south sudan
true or false the speakers list goes away after you've moved on to mods
what is voted on first ammendments or papers