United Nations Trivia
Basic MUN terminology
Points and Motions
Find the mistake!

How many countries are in the United Nations?



What is a delegate?

A person who is representing a country.


What is a suspension of the meeting?

A recess or break in meeting.


What is a Point of Personal Privilege used for?

Used to request changes for personal comfort (i.e. make microphone louder, make room cooler/warmer, turn on more lights).


I am delighted to attend this prestigious conference. I, representing the Republic of India would like to say that...

Use of personal Pronoun- I


What is the principal body of UN that serves as the chief deliberative, policy making and representative organ of the United Nations?

General Assembly


What is the first order of business in all the MUN Committees?

The first order of business in a Model UN committee is roll call. When the name of each member state is called by the dais, a delegate may respond “present” or “present and voting” A delegate responding “present and voting” may not abstain on a substantive vote.


How would you correct a fellow delegate who is using personal pronouns or if the chair is following a wrong format?

Point of Order


Who do you ask a Point of Information?

Other delegates, after they are finished making speeches.


The speaker's list is already set. The delegate of Pakistan would like to include his name to the speaker's list. He makes a “Motion to be Added to the Speakers List.”

There is NO such thing as “Motion to be Added to the Speakers List.” To add your country's name you have to send a note to the Chair or wait for the chair's instruction


What are the official languages of the United Nations?

Arabic, English, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish


Who is the dais?

The Chair and Director of a committee.


When should you set the agenda?

At the beginning of committee, after opening speakers list.


What would the delegate do after finishing his/her opening speech, after or without answering points of information?

Yield the floor to the Chair


It is the first day and the session is back to order after a short break. This is approximately in the middle of the session, when opening speeches are not yet over. The delegate of Netherlands makes a 'Motion to adjourn the meeting'

Making a 'Motion to Adjourn the Meeting' will be out of order in the middle of the meeting.


What are the six principal organs of the United Nations?

General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council,The Secretariat, International Court of Justice, Trusteeship Council


What are the points that CAN interrupt a speaker?

i) Points of Personal Privilege ii) Points of Order


How do you set the speaker's time?

Delegate makes motion, requires two speakers for and two speakers again.


When should you use a Point of Order?

When you believe the Chair has made an error in the running of committee.


The delegate of Egypt is following improper parliamentary procedure, by using personal pronouns frequently and is sharing wrong information. The delegate of South Africa raises a Point of Order, without interrupting the speaker.



Which of the six principal organs is currently inactive and what does it do?

Trusteeship Council; helped colonies transition to full countries.


What is a quorum?

The minimum number of delegates needed to do substantive work in committee.


When should you use a Right of Response?

When a delegate makes a statement in formal session that directly insults you or your country.


When should you make a motion to Adjourn the Meeting?

At the very end of Model UN, when it's time to go home.


The delegate of South Sudan is speaking. The delegate of Haiti raises his placard. The chair recognizes him and asks which point he rises to. The delegate of Haiti says 'Point of Parliamentary Inquiry'

The delegate of Haiti should not have interrupted the delegate of South Sudan, as that is out of order and is considered disrespectful.