What would the delegate in a committee conference do if he needs to use the washroom?
Request Point of Personal Privilege, after the speaker has finished speaking.
What is an unfriendly amendment?
This type of amendment proposes to remove or change an existing part of a resolution before voting.
What is a Motion for an Unmoderated Caucus? What is its purpose?
The motion used to move into informal discussion in order to form alliances and blocs and draft resolutions.
What is the roll call and how can you reply to it?
The first order of business in a Model UN committee is roll call. When the name of each member state is called by the dais, a delegate may respond “present” or “present and voting” A delegate responding “present and voting” may not abstain on a substantive vote.
What are operative clauses in a resolution?
These clauses outline the committee's proposed solutions and actions to address the issue.
What are the five main secretariat positions in a Model United Nations conference?
Under Secretary General
Chief Operations Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Press Director
What are the two yields a delegate can make after his/her speech? (List them and briefly describe them)
• Yield to another delegate. His/her remaining time will be given to that delegate, who can respond POIs
• Yield to questions. Questioners will be selected by the Chair and limited to one question each. Follow-up questions will be allowed only at the discretion of the Chair.
• Yield to the chair. Such a yield should be made if the delegate does not wish his/her speech to be subject to comments.
In a resolution, what is the term for the sections that describe the problem and the ideals guiding the resolution?
preambulatory clauses
What is a moderated caucus and why is it relevant? Have you seen it happening in any committee?
This type of caucus allows delegates to speak for a set amount of time on a specific topic in a structured manner.