
What are the 5 points of the Agenda? (Just the titles)

1. Dawah

2. Organization

3. Education

4. Social Services

5. Relationship


What are the levels of membership in MUNA?

There shall be three types of membership in this organization, namely:

1. Associate Member.

2. Member.

3. Senior Member.


How many levels are in the MUNA organizational structure? 

4 levels


What is constructive criticism?

To give beneficial advice or feedback on one's performance with the purpose of improvement

(Answers may vary.)


Who is the Director of YS MUNA?

Sister Rokeya Rahman Rina


What does MUNA state about the first point in the agenda?

1.Da’wah: To call Muslims to practice the commandments of Islam and introduce Islam to the non-Muslims.


What is an associate member in MUNA?

Any individual, who is interested in performing the basic responsibilities of Islam (re: article 3) can become an Associate Member of this organization if he/she –

1. Agrees with the aim, objective and agenda of the organization, and

2. Makes regular financial contributions.


What are the levels are in the MUNA organizational structure? 

The organization shall function through the following bodies:

1. National Organization

2. Zonal Organization

3. Chapter Organization

4. Subchapter Organization.


What is the process for a proper constructive criticism?

Instead of talking about someone’s mistakes here and there, inform the person himself/herself and make sincere du‘ā for the person’s reform. While talking to the person about their mistakes, inform him/her with sincerity & wisdom and being a well-wisher. Do not show frustration and impatience; continue your personal effort to reform the person, besides making sincere du‘ā. If the mistakes are not corrected from your co-activist after several efforts, at least three attempts on your part, then inform the immediate higher responsible brother or sister. You may raise the issue at an appropriate meeting with the leader’s permission and present the case with politeness and humility, without any exaggeration. The presenter’s aim would be not to humiliate the brother/sister concerned, rather sincere correction. If the allegation is true then the person concerned should accept it, seek du‘ā from the brothers & sisters, and make sincere effort to reform himself/herself. 

(Answers may vary.)


Who is the current National President of MUNA?

Muhtaram Harun O Rashid


What does MUNA state about its second point agenda?

2.Organization :To organize those individuals under this organization, who are interested in working for the betterment of themselves and for the society.


How does one become an associate member in MUNA?

Procedure to become an Associate Member: Anyone can become an Associate Member, if he/she expresses his/her interest by accepting the above terms, and filling out the prescribed form.


What is the process of electing MUNA national president?

To elect the National President, the members of the Majlish-e-Shūra shall nominate a three-member panel. The voters may vote for anyone of the panel as National President. The voters will also have the right to vote for other senior members who are not included in the panel.


What is the manner of being absent from a program?

If anyone who would be absent, then he/she must attain prior permission to do so from the brother or sister in-charge. Note that simply informing of being absent does not mean permission.


Who is the Executive Director of MUNA?

Br. Arman Chowdhury 


What does MUNA state about its third point agenda?

3.Education: To strive to improve individual’s life through acquiring Islamic knowledge and skills.


What are the conditions of becoming a Member?

An Associate Member of this organization, who

1. Regularly participates in the activities of the organization;

2. Makes regular financial contributions;

3. Follows the rules and disciplines of the organization;

4. And if the National President of the organization considers him/her eligible to be a Member, then he/she can be a Member following the specified procedure.


What is the process of electing MUNA Shura member?

The members of the Majlish-e-Shūra shall be elected by Members & Senior Members of the organization through direct and secret ballots.


All the discussions of the meeting would be deemed a _________ on everybody, which must not be breached.

Sacred trust (amanah)


How many zones are in MUNA as of right now?

7 zones


What does MUNA state about its third AND fourth agenda?

4.Social Service:To carry out social welfare services for the development of the society.

5. Relationship: relationships with different organizations, religious and ethnic communities and neighbors.


How does one becomes a Member?

 Member, who wishes to become a Member, shall fill out the prescribed “Membership Application” form and send it to the National President through the respective Chapter president or Zonal President. Upon approval, the National President will arrange his/her oath of membership. From the day of the oath, he/she will be considered as a `Member’ of the organization


Who can become a shura member? For how many years? 

Must be elected From Senior Members

For 2 year term

A member of the Majlish-e-Shura cannot be elected for more than three consecutive terms, however, can be nominated.


How many principles are mentioned in the MUNA Methodology regarding meetings?

14 principles


How many Shura Members in MUNA in 2023?