Surah at-Tahrim
Methodology of Dawah
MUNA Facts

What chapter number is Surah at-Tahrim?

Chapter 66


What is the message/mission of the Rasul (saw)? Please be specific and clear.

To make people accept Allah's authority without attaching any partner either to His Person or attributes and to feel responsible/accountable to Him for every action and deed of this life in the life Hereafter. And to believe that the Rasul is the last and final messenger.


When was MUNA established?

Est. in July 21, 1990


Where is the jurisdiction of MUNA?

United States of America


Which presidential candidate in the US election 2024 supports Palestine?

No one.


When and where was this surah revealed?

After 7th Hijrah in Madinah (usually more about laws & society)


What are the two most important characteristics of the Prophet (s)'s ummah)?

Sami'na wa atwa'naa

Listening and obeying


How many years since MUNA has been founded?

34 years. (updated)


What are the guiding principles of MUNA? (state full answer)

Holy Quran & Sunnah, Non-Profit Organization, Federal & State laws and regulations.

Who ended the Ottoman caliphate?

Kemal Ataturk in 1922


Who were the women that disbelieved in Allah? 

Wife of Lut and Wife of Nuh


Who was the 40th person to enter Islam?

Umar ibn al-Khattab (ra)


How much money was spent on MUNA Food Services in 2024?

$10 million.


What are the 5 agenda of MUNA?

Dawah, Organization, Education, Social Services, and Relationship


What are the only two Islamic organizations known for their Islamic unity worldwide, and who were they founded by?

1. Brotherhood (in Egypt) founded by Hasanul Banna est. 1928

2. Jamat-e-Islam (Pakistan & Bangladesh) founded by Sayyid Abu Ala Maududi


What characteristics should a believing and righteous wife have? (Must name all)

Submissive, faithful, obedient, repentant, worshipping, fasting (previously married and virgin). 


How many people were initially at the first Aqaba and how many were at the second Aqaba pledge?

First Aqaba - 6 

Second Aqaba - 75


Name at least 4 sister organizations of MUNA?

Al-Quran Dawah Center, MUNA Social Service Inc, NAHAR, QAFYS, MUNA Academy - Online, MUNA IT, MUNA Book Service, UMMAH Cultural Group, MUNA Calendar, International Student Wing, MUNA Education Panel, MUNA APJ, MUNA Trustee, USCMO, Masjlish Ash-Shura NY 


State the mission statement word per word.

To seek the gratification of Allah by taking up the tasks of improving personal, moral, and social lives of people.


What is the official Nakba day, and what does it mean?

May 15, 1948

It is when the invasion of Palestine by the Israeli is commemorated.


Tell us the dua Asiya made and the translation of it.

رَبِّ ٱبْنِ لِى عِندَكَ بَيْتًۭا فِى ٱلْجَنَّةِ وَنَجِّنِى مِن فِرْعَوْنَ وَعَمَلِهِۦ وَنَجِّنِى مِنَ ٱلْقَوْمِ ٱلظَّـٰلِمِينَ ١١

My Lord! Build me a house in Paradise near You, deliver me from Pharaoh and his ˹evil˺ doing, and save me from the wrongdoing people


What are the six approaches of conducting dawah?

1. What to present 2. To whom to present 3. Where to present 4. When to present 5. How to present 6. Service to humanity


Which internal revenue code allows MUNA to be politically involved and which sister organization of MUNA allows the use of this code?


MUNA Alliance for Peace and Justice (APG)


A member must be a _____________ and they should be doing the following (4 points):

Associate Member:

1. regularly participates in activities of the org.

2. Makes regular financial contribution.

3. Follows the rules and disciplines of the org.

4. and if the National President considered him/her eligible to be a Member. 


Who was handed the keys to Masjid al-Aqsa and mention the special incident that occurred (during that time) bringing tears to everyone's eyes?

Caliph Umar (ra) during his caliphate

Belal (ra) never gave the athan after Rasul died because it was so painful for him. But on the request of Umar and in regard to the celebration of being near Aqsa, he gave the athan one last time.