Name the year all of Mark’s kids started school. (means kindergarten)
2007 (September) Nate
2008 (September) Emma
2013 (September) Josh
2017 (September) Cooper
What are the names of all of Papa and Nan’s kids they had?(Must say their full legal names to get the points.
Mark- 1972 (Mark David Munson)
Matt- 1974 (Matthew Paul Munson)
John- 1975 (John David Munson)
Andy- 1976 (Andrew David Munson)
Ryan- 1978 (Ryan Michael Munson)
What school do Andy’s kids go to?
EagleView Elmentary
What school do Matt’s kids go to?
John Marshall Elementary
What school do Ryan’s kids go to.
(Hint: Same as Matt’s kids?)
John Marshall Elementary
What year did Jen (Mom) move to Colorado and then what month and year did she come back to Wausau.
July 2015 she moved to Colorado and in June 2019 she went back up to Wausau
How many days was Papa’s birthday away from D-Day?
What are John’s kids names?
Ashton and Olivia
What are Matt’s kids names?
Wyatt, Elsa, Ethan, Jacob, Chase & George
What are Ryan’s kids names?
Paxton and Mollie
How many times has dad (Mark) been divorced
First one June-30th-2012
Second one Feburary - 2nd-2019
doesn’t wanna get married for quite a long time
What year did all of their kids graduate elementary school which was 6th grade till 1992 they said and all were in 6th when graduated elementary school. (MUST LIST YEARS OF EACH PERSON AND WHERE THEY WENT TO THROUGHOUT elementary school)
Mark | 1984
Matt| 1986
John | 1988
Andy| 1989
Ryan| 1990
What day and month and year did I charted this?
When will Wyatt graduate from middle school?
2032 (12 years away)
What is the youngest of Ryan’s kids
When is all Mark’s kids birthdays? (Must name month ,day & year)
Nate- 10/24/2001
Emma- 9/1/2003
Josh- 3/15/2008
Cooper- 3/12/2012
What year did every one of Neil & Mary’s kids end junior high it was called junior high till 1993 in December when they changed the name to Middle School.
Mark- 1986
Matt- 1988
John- 1990
Andy- 1991
Ryan- 1992
John’s kids went to the school we used to go to for elementary school . Guess what school they attend?
Riverview Elementary
Name all of Matt’s kids oldest to youngest and how old they are. Must include their middle names too.
Chase Munson- (9/1/2008) (11) - Middle Name: Louis
Jacob Munson - (6/11/2010) (9) - Middle Name: N/A
Ethan Munson - (1/24/2011) (9) - Middle Name: Easton
George Munson - (7/22/2013) (6) - Middle Name: Alexander
Elsa Munson - (1/6/2014) (5) - Middle Name: Anna
Wyatt Munson - (5/31/2018) (1) - Middle Name: Tucker
*hopefully I get these all correct?
What year will both of Ryan’s kids graduate middle school?
Paxton | 2024
Mollie| din’t know would say 2026 or 27
What grade are Mark’s children in
Nate 12th Grade (Wausau East) will graduate in 2020
Emma 11th Grade (Wausau West) will graduate in 2021
Josh 6th Grade (Horace Mann) will graduate in 2025 or so
Cooper 2nd Grade (John Marshall ) will graduate in 10 years after Nate so in 2030
When is Neil and Mary’s birthdays year,month & day. When did they graduate high school? (Bonus: When did all 5 of their sons graduate from East?)
Neil - 6/15/1944
Mary- 8/15/1944
Neil & Mary graduated in 1962
Mark- 1990
Matt- 1992
John- 1994
Andy- 1995
Ryan- 1996
What grade are all John and Andy’s kids in?
Ashton- 5th
Olivia & Sydney - 4th
Taylor- 3rd
Which one of Matt’s kids will be in middle school next year?
How old are Ryan’s kidz?
Paxton (9)
Mollie (7)