The Official Name of Chile
What is the Republic of Chile?
The First Ever Model UN club
What is Oxford international assembly in 1921
The Dais of Committee
What is The team responsible for moderating a committee session?
The way you address yourself in committee
What is the Delegation of (Insert Country Name)
The definition of a Moderated Caucus
What is a formal debate period with speaking time, topic, and overall time?
The Capital of Chile
What is Santiago?
The 2 most frequent conference names
What are AMUN and BIMUN?
A Bloc in committee
What is a group of delegates with similar goals that work together on a draft resolution?
The only time a delegate can yield time from their speech
What is a GSL?
The definition of an Unmoderated Caucus
What is an unformal debate period where delegates can work together?
The Main natural resources of Cameroon
What is Gold and Oil?
Answer to this question: True or False, Dwight Schrute was in Model UN?
What is True? (Actor Rainn Wilson was part of Model UN at his high school)
A Working Paper
What is a draft version of you or your bloc's solution to the problem?
The formal way to ask a question to the Dais
What is a Point of Inquiry?
Whether a delegate can or cannot yield time in either a moderated or unmoderated caucus.
What is cannot?
The answer to the following: True or false, Gambia is the smallest African Nation
What is True?
The number of countries in the UN currently
What is 193
A Resolution Paper
What is the final and passed version of you or your bloc's solution to the problem?
The definition of the word Decorum
What is silence, be quiet, shut up (respectfully)?
The motion used to start the committee
What is motion to open debate?
The main natural issue in the Solomon Islands
What is climate change?
When did the United Nations form?
What is October 24th, 1945
The organization that predated and inspired the United Nations, as well as the reason it failed.
What is the League of Nations? What is World War II?
The Three components to a moderated caucus.
What are topic, total time, and individual speaking time?
The formal motion to end a session of committee
What is a motion to close debate?