"Uh yeah, so...."
Fight a guestie or another cast member
Who is Veronica
How old does a child have to be to experience the attraction by themselves?
These two lovebirds can be found putting on any and all Pixar movies in the break room
Cami and Michael
Sarah Bloom
"So when are you leaving?"
Put in an ER immediately after clocking in
Who is Bestie Bennett?
In the event of a signal 25 in the theater these are the steps you should take
E Stop, evacuate the guests, call 911, let Sweetums know
Constantly referred to as the "mean girls" at work, these two just don't have time for stupid people
Veronica and Aanesty
Lisa Krier
"puta madre"
Argue with anyone about how Toy Story 4 is the best of the Toy Story franchise
This is the minimum amount of closers you need to close at the end of the night
4 (Theater, Photocell, Preshow, and MST Entry 1)
This cast member tries to convince everyone that she's "dating" Tyler, when in fact we all know that she and this cast member are a thing
Tabatha and Ferrari
Isabella Pontecorvo
"Is there anyone that would be able to take me to the airport?"
Bestie Bennett
Hit the E Stop button with no good cause
In the event of a Plan B evacuation you would direct guests to go where?
Mama's Gate, Star Tours Gate, or Muppets Gate
This CP and an "Ape Man" shared a memorable interaction during the program celebration at Disney's Animal Kingdom
Michael and Tarzan
Kit Heart
This cast member mispronounces Tatooine as Tatanoonie
Spotted in someone else's tiktok/vlog
What does AED stand for?
Automated External Defibrillator
These two people cause everyone the most stress at Muppets and never know how to properly do their job
Carol and Beth
Harmoni Marzo