Murder Drones
Liam Vickers

one of the first weapons introduced into the show however is only implemented mainly in the first episode and is used by Uzi

What is Uzi's railgun?


Yag's favorite

What is Braiden?


This song has the most streams out of all three albums

What is "Bite Me"


Liam Vickers' largest and most well known project

What is Murder Drones


This name was commonly used back in SSTWL and was used throughout most of (If not all but i don't want to fact check that) of liam vicker's stories.

what is "John"


Uzi dives into the past of N and V trying to recover and save their memories from being lost forever. this is regarded to be the worst episode out of the entire series.

What ls episode 5?


This character originally had a red scarf around their neck but was later removed and never made it into the show.

What is V?


This song although highly praised and used in the fandom isn't in the actual OST

what is "Disassembly Required"


This video is the most viewed video on the LVA channel

what is "Cliffside"


most viewed video on the SSTWL channel

what is "Gat Ritzy's Continuance Cube - Song 怐Electro Swing"


The voice actor for many characters in games including poppy playtime, brawl stars, and more.

What is Nola Klop


This character originally had a different Hair style but due to fears being made about confusion with another character in a past show it was changed

What is J?


This is the shortest song within the entire murder drones OST

what is "V and J seem nice"


Liam Vickers' animated series that is extremely highly anticipated to get another instalment into the series

what is "Internecion Cube"


a mechanical being with the ability to destroy worlds.

What is Ponder?


one of the biggest reveals of the show, although some found it predictable it was a monumental change to the story but also got rid of a character many people liked.

What is the Tescyn twist?


This character's hair color changed throughout the series and is assumed to be an animation mistake

what is Thad?


This song played while N and Uzi fought J and V in the pilot.

What is "Click"


This character preys on and eats Humans and has a paranoid brother.

What is DI (i think that's her name)


This character is able to split their body apart, creating tentacles out of blood and bones and has telekinesis. although there are others like them they are the most recognizable name.

What is Katie Hood


Premiered Feb 17, 2023

what is the release date of Murder drones episode 3?


This character was voiced by the same voice actor of I-CON from internecion cube

What is Lizzy?


at the end of the pilot episode during the credits a small song plays. this song plays during the credits of every episode except a select few.

what is episodes 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8


gets struck by an "Unhealthy" amount of electricity and almost kills themselves

what is Pichu


this character uses "unconventional" means to defeat a character in the story, using what was originally thought to be useless against these creatures, this character is able to win a fight against them.

what is subject 0111