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On the first day of the school year, a geography teacher was murdered. The police had 4 suspects: the gardener, the math teacher, the coach, and the school principal. They all had alibis:

  • The gardener was cutting bushes.
  • The math teacher was holding a mid-year test.
  • The coach was playing basketball.
  • The principal was in his office.                      The killer was arrested immediately. Who killed the geography teacher, and how did the police solve the mystery?

The math teacher killed the geography teacher because he couldn't have been holding a mid-year test on the first day of school.  


A man pushes his car in front of a hotel, and say “I’m broke and I’m out!” What happened?

He is playing monopoly.


Two children born in the same hospital, in the same hour, day, and year, have the same mother and father, but are not twins.

The children are two of a set of triplets.


What can you put into a barrel to make it lighter?

a hole


Fifty people are in a cabin in the woods and they are all dead, why is this?

It was the cabin of an airplane that crashed in the woods.  


In his own home a man watches as a woman dies, yet does nothing to save her, why?

He saw it happening on TV.


There is a man walking down the road dressed entirely in black. There are no lights on anywhere and no moon. A car with no lights comes down the road and manages to avoid the man. How?

It's daytime


You are in a cabin with four walls all facing south. There is a bear outside. What color is the bear?

The cabin is at the tip of the North Pole. The bear is, of course, white.


A father and son are in an auto accident. The father dies and the son is rushed to the hospital in critical condition. The doctor looks at the boy and says, “I can’t work on him, he’s my son.” How can this be?

The doctor is the boy's mother.  


A body is found in the middle of a field with a ring on his finger. How did he die?

The ring is a rip cord, but the parachute didn’t open.


Two people are served iced tea, but both drinks are poisoned.  The first person drinks the iced tea quickly and leaves, the second person takes longer to drink the iced tea and dies, why is this?

There was poison in the ice cubes of both drinks. One man chugged his drink, so the ice didn’t get a chance to melt and release the poison. The other man sipped his drink and was poisoned.


A train was on its way to Florida and derailed.
Where would they bury the survivors?

They wouldn't need to, the survivors are still alive!


In the old West a man rides into town on Friday. He stays for three days, and leaves on Friday. How can this be?

The horse's name is Friday


A man was going about his daily occupation when he noticed that his shirt was torn. 15 minutes later, he was dead. Why is that?

The man was an astronaut out on a space walk.


A serial killer kidnapped people and made them take 1 of 2 pills: one was harmless, and the other was poisonous. Whichever pill a victim took, the serial killer took the other one. The victim took their pill with water and died. The killer survived.

How did the killer always get the harmless pill?

Both pills were harmless, the water was poisoned


A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later they both go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner together. How can this be?

The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry.


A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 months. Being an astute observer, he picks one door and lives.

He picks the third door because the reason the lions haven't eaten in 3 months is because they are dead.


An Arab sheik tells his two sons they are to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel arrives last will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advice. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast as they can to their destination. What was the wise man's advice?

The wise man tells them to switch camels.


You walk into a room with only one match. You must light a lantern, a gas stove, the pilot light of a water heater and a fire in a fire place. What do you light first?

The match, duh.


Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice all live in the same house. Bob and Carol go out to a movie, and when they return, Alice is lying dead on the floor in a puddle of water and glass. It is obvious that Ted killed her but Ted is not prosecuted or severely punished.

Alice is a goldfish; Ted is a cat.