Where is Hercule Poirot from?
What time was the watch stopped at?
Who is Mrs Hubbard always talking about?
Her Daughter
How is Ratchett killed?
In what season does the story take place?
What train does Hercule Poirot ride prior to boarding the Orient Express?
Taurus Express
What number is significant regarding the number of passengers and the number of times the victim was stabbed?
What crime did Ratchett commit?
Kidnapped/murdered a child
Who is arrested for the murder?
No one
What is Mrs. Hubbard's native country?
What shocking fact does Mr Poirot figure out?
That everyone was connected to the Armstrong household
What name did the burned piece of paper have written on it?
Daisy Armstrong
What other name was Ratchett known by?
Why does the Orient Express stop?
It runs into a snowdrift
What was the name of the family that died?
Where does Mr Poirot find the scarlet kimono?
His own Suitcase
What is the woman in the hallway wearing?
scarlet kimono
Who is Mr Poirot referring to when he says, "I do not like your face"?
What weapon does ratchet carry
A gun
What time does the train stop?
Who refers to Poirot as harmless and peculiar?
Mary Debenham
Who was the last person to see the victim alive?
Greta Ohlsson
How did Mr Poirot figure out that Elena's real name was Helena?
A grease spot on her passport
What is Ratchett's native land?
Where are the interviews conducted?
The dinning car