Name that Skeletal Muscle
Upper Limb
Lower Limb

Flexes elbow and supinates forearm

What is "biceps brachii"?


This muscle helps you close your eyes

What is the action of the "orbicularis oculi"?


The three different sections can work together or separately. The superior fibers elevate scapula or rotate it upward, elevate clavicle, or extend neck. The middle fibers retract scapula. The inferior fibers depress scapula or rotate it downward. Synergists assist in these motions

What is the "trapezius"?


Make a fist. With your forearm halfway between pronation and supination, and your elbow flexed to 90 degrees, isometrically try to lift up under your desk. This makes this muscle prominent and easily palpated. Because of its very distal insertion, its lever class will vary depending on where the resistance is applied.

What is the "brachioradialis"?


Crosses 2 joints and as such causes actions at each of them. When someone pulls their “hip flexor”, they have either pulled this muscle or the iliopsoas. Differential diagnosis depends on the depth of the pain, and if knee flexion increases the pain while in knee extension.

What is the "rectus femoris"?


One of the two "major" muscles that generate exceptional rotational arm speed when throwing overhand (peak at 7000 degrees per second)

What is "pectoralis major"?


Contract these to look interested or surprised

What is the "frontalis"?


May flex, extend, or abduct humerus depending on area stimulated, but primarily abduction.

What is the "deltoid"?


This muscle lengthens or extends during flexion at the elbow

What is "triceps brachii"?


The hamstrings are powerful knee flexors that consists of these four muscles

What are the the "biceps femoris", "semimembranosus", and "semitendonosus"?


Extends big toe

What is "extensor hallicus longer"? 


Action-Compresses, purses lips

What is the "orbicularis oris"?


These fibers run straight across the midline of the body. This is the deepest of the four abdominal muscles.

What is the "transversus abdominis"?


This muscle looks "serrated", like a knife. Weakness of this muscle will allow “winging” of the scapulae during pushups.

What is the "serratus anterior"?


The tricep surae consists of these 3 muscles

What is the "soleus", "gastrocnemius", and "plantaris"?


Flexes and abducts (radially deviates) wrist

What is "flexor carpi radial"?


This pair of muscles are the prime movers of jaw closure

What is the temporalis and masseter?


These fibers run straight across the midline of the body. This is the deepest of the four abdominal muscles and creates the sought after V

What is the "transversus abdominis"?


This muscle is congenitally absent in some people. When using the trick to remember the flexor pronator group, it is represented by the middle (longest) finger pointing at the palm. To make it more prominent and palpable, touch the tip of your thumb to the tip of your pinkie and flex your wrist. If it does not become obviously prominent, you might not have one.

What is the "palmaris longus"?


This is the longest muscle in the body, and is named for tailors. It also inserts as part of the three muscles that make up the pes anserine.

What is "sartorius"?


Fibers run parallel with long axis of body…Tendinous inscriptions cause the “six-Pack” look. This is the most superficial of the abdominal group

What is the "rectus abdominis"?


This muscle translates as “trumpet player,” these muscles must contract to precisely control air flow while blowing a horn, or may also contract to create suction

What is the "buccinator"?


This muscle is shaped like a rhombus, and is larger than its similarly shaped companion

What is "rhomboid major"?


Four muscles of the rotator cuff

What is the "supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis"?


This muscle is the most superficial on the shin. It helps to support the arch and when the arch collapses it puts an eccentric load on this muscle, and may pull some of the muscle away from the periosteum.

What is the "anterior tibialis"?