Raises Eyebrows and is innervated by the facial never (CN VII)
Prime mover of jaw closure (elevates the mandible) and is innervated by the trigeminal nerve CN V
all 3 are responsible for moving the tongue and is innervated by the hypoglossal nerve CN XII
prime mover of inspiration AKA inhalation innervated by phrenic nerve.
Name the 3 main components of a neuron, then name the 3 components of 1 of the 3 components of the neuron.
Axon, axon hillock, axon terminal, myelin sheath
Soma or nucleus
Corrugator Supercilii
Pulls eyebrows medially and inferiorly and is innervated by the facial nerve CN VII
Jaw closure (elevates the mandible) and inntervated by the trigeminal nerve CN V
Hyoid muscle
speech, swallowing, and maintain open airway.
External intercostals
internal intercostals
external intercostals aid in inspiration (inhalation)
internal intercostals aid in forcing air out of the lungs
name the 3 types of nerve impulses
2. AP
3. Synapses
Orbicularis Oculi
closes eye and is innervated by the facial nerve CN VII
Medial and lateral pterygoid
grinding / innervated by the trigeminal nerve CN V
Bilateral contraction: flexes neck and extends head / innervated by the accessory nerve CN XI
Quadratus Lumborum
Laterally flexes vertebral column
What are the 3 things the nervous system does?
1. Sensory from receptors
2. Integration or processing in the CNS
3. Motor or respond to stimuli via effectors
Orbicularis Oris
Closes mouth and is innervated by facial nerve CN VII
keeps food on teeth / innervated by facial nerve CN VII
elevates the first 2 ribs (inspiration compensation)
name the muscles of the erector spinae (all of which perform spine, back, trunk extension and posture)
What are the two systems of the Motor Division
1. Somatic nervous system (voluntary muscle control to skeletal muscle)
2. Autonomic nervous system (involuntary muscle, cardiac, smooth, and glands)
all these:
Mentalis pouts
platysma tenses neck
buccinator compresses cheek
What are the 4 rotator cuff muscles
Teres Minor
neck extension and hyperextension
What does Rectus, Transverse and Oblique each mean for muscle orientation to the midline of the body?
Rectus means parallel with the midline
Transverse means perpendicular to the midline
oblique means diagonal to midline
What are the 2 divisions of the PNS
1. Sensory (afferent) Division- receives signals and sends them to the cranial and spinal nerves
2. Motor (efferent) Division - sends instructions to muscles and glands to do something.