
This muscle draws head to the side. It originates at the sternum and has an insertion site of the occipital bone

What is sternocephalicus?


This muscle flexes the shoulder.  It originates at the spine/acromion of the scapula with an insertion site at the deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.

What is the deltoideus?


This muscle adducts the thoracic limb.  It originates in the cranial sternum and has an insertion site at the greater tubercle of the humerus.

What is the superficial pectoral?


This muscle flexes the vertebral column and abdominal press.  It originates at the sternum with an insertion site at the pubis.

What is the rectus abdominis?


This muscle extends the hip.  It originates at the ischiatic tuberosity of the pelvis with an insertion site at the femur and tibia.

What is the semimembranosus?


This muscle opens the mouth.  It originates at the occipital and temporal bones with an insertion site of the ventral midline.

What is digastricus?


This muscle flexes the elbow.  It originates at the caudolateral aspect of the proximal humerus with an insertion site at the ulna and radial tuberosities.

What is the brachialis?


This muscle elevates and abducts the thoracic limb.  It originates at the dorsal aspect of the neck and has an insertion site at the spine of the scapula.

What is the trapezius?


This muscle also flexes the vertebral column and abdominal press.  However, it originates at the thoracolumbar fascia with an insertion site at the linea alba.

What is the internal abdominal oblique?


This muscle extends the tarsus and flexes the stifle.  It originates at the medial and lateral supracondylar tuberosities of the femur with an insertion site at the proximal surface of the tuber calcanei.

What is the gastrocnemius?


This muscle raises floor of the mouth.  It originates at the medial mandible with an insertion site at the median raphae between mandible.

What is mylohyoideus?


This muscle flexes the shoulder and extends the elbow.  It originates at the caudal border of scapula and the proximal border of the humerus.  It has an insertion site at the olecranon of the ulna.

What is the triceps brachii?

This muscle elevates the thoracic limb.  It originates at the occipital bone of the head with an insertion site at the dorsal border of the scapula.

What is the rhomboideus?


This muscle also flexes the vertebral column and abdominal press.  However, it originates at the last 4 to 5 ribs with an insertion site at the linea alba.

What is the transverse abdominus?


This muscle extends and abducts the hip.  It originates at the body of the ilium and ischiatic spine with an insertion site at the cranial aspect of the greater trochanter.

What is the deep gluteal?


This muscle elevates the mandible to close the mouth while chewing.  It originates at the zygomatic arch and has an insertion site at the lateral side of the mandible.

What is masseter?


This muscle extends the carpus.  It originates at the lateral supracondylar crest of the humerus with an insertion site at the proximal aspect of the secondand third metacarpal bones.

What is the extensor carpi radialis?


This muscle pulls the thoracic limb forward and extends the shoulder.  It originates at the clavicular intersection with an insertion site at the ulna, mastoid, and dorsal neck.

What is the brachiocephalicus?


This muscle adducts the pelvic limb.  It originates at the prepubic tendon and acetabulum with an insertion site at the caudal aspect of the femur.

What is the pectineus?


This muscle extends the stifle and flexes the hip.  It originates at the ilium and proximal femur with an insertion site at the tibial tuberosity.

What is the quadriceps femoris?


This muscle closes the mouth while chewing.  It originates at the parietal bone of the skull and has an insertion site at the coronoid process of the mandible.

What is temporalis?


This muscle flexes the carpus and the digits.  It originates at the medial epicondyle/proximal ulna/medial radius.  It has an insertion site at the palmar aspect of the distal phalanges.

What is the deep digital flexor?


This muscle draws the thoracic limb caudally and flexes the shoulder joint.  It originates at the last 7 thoracic vertebrae and spinous process of the lumbar vertebrae.  Its insertion site is at the teres major tuberosity of the humerus.

What is latissimus dorsi?


This muscle adducts the pelvic limb AND extends hip.  It originates at the pelvic symphysis with an insertion site at the caudal aspect of the femur.

What is the adductor?


This muscle flexes the tarsus.  It originates at the proximal tibia and fibula with an insertion site at the 4th tarsal bone and plantar aspect of metatarsus.

What is the peroneus longus?