(Brachial group)
Takes all of the credit for flexion (and look) of the arm.
What are the biceps brachii?
I make your pouty face.
What is the mentalis?
I innervate the triceps brachii.
What is the radial nerve?
I am only used to point at somebody.
What is the extensor indicis?
I innervate all of the muscles in the brachial group.
What is the musculocutaneous nerve?
I innervate your orbicularis oris.
What is the facial nerve?
I split on the intermediate phalanx of 2-5 to hold a flashlight.
What is the flexor digitorum superficialis?
I move the arm in every way except for adduction.
What is the deltoideus?
I attach to only one digit posteriorly and adduct the hand.
What is the extensor digiti minimi?
I attach to coronoid process of the ulna and am the heavy flexor of the arm.
What is the brachialis muscle?
I innervate your masticating muscles.
What is the trigeminal nerve?
I originate on the anterior distal portion of the ulna and attach on the anterior distal radius.
What is the pronator quadratus?
I attach on the inferior margin of the glenoid fossa.
What is the long head of the triceps brachii?
My point of origin is on the posterior radius, ulna, and interosseous membrane.
What is the abductor pollicis longus?
I am named after my point of origin.
What are the corrugator supercilii?
I am a deep flexor and run under the flexor digitorum superficialis.
What is the flexor digitorum profundus?
I am the only muscle that extends the forearm at the elbow.
What is the triceps brachii?
I attach on the styloid process of the radius.
I supinate the hands.
What are the biceps brachii?
What is the temporalis muscle?
I flex the hand and move it towards the midline.
I originate from the spine and acromion process of the scapula.
What is the deltoideus?
I am the extensor carpi ulnaris and have two functions.
What is extending and adducting the hand at the wrist?