
What are the 3 types of joints in the human body?

1. Fibrous joints: Immovable joints where bones are connected by dense connective tissue.

2. Cartilaginous joints: Slightly movable joints where bones are connected by cartilage.

3. Synovial joints: Freely movable joints characterized by a synovial cavity filled with fluid.


How does encouragement affect muscle fatigue during sustained physical activity, and what role does mental motivation play in delaying fatigue?

Verbal encouragement, "mind over matter" mindset.


Name the 4 ligaments in the knee

1. Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL)

2. Lateral collateral ligament (LCL)

3. Posterior cruciate ligament (PCL)

4. Medical collateral ligament (MCL)


What are the six types of synovial joints, and how do they allow for different types of movement? (1-3)

1. Hinge joint: Allows flexion and extension.

2. Ball-and-socket joint: Allows movement in multiple axes, including rotation.

3. Pivot joint: Allows rotational movement around a single axis.


Explain the EMG (electrical activity) that is needed to overcome fatigue.

To overcome muscle fatigue, EMG signals show increased electrical activity through the recruitment of additional motor units and higher firing rates, reflecting the nervous system's effort to sustain muscle contraction.


Explain the different types of diagnostic tests and which injury they correlate to.

Posterior drawer= PCL Injury

Valgus stress= MCL Injury

Varus stress= LCL Injury

Anterior Drawer= ACL Injury 


What are the six types of synovial joints, and how do they allow for different types of movement? (4-6)

4. Saddle joint: Allows for movement in two directions (back and forth, side to side).

5. Plane joint (gliding joint): Allows for sliding or gliding movements.

6. Condyloid (ellipsoid) joint: Allows for movement in two axes but no rotation


Define occupational therapy 

Occupational therapy is a form of therapy that helps individuals of all ages develop, recover, or maintain the skills needed for daily activities and work, often through customized interventions that focus on improving physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities to enhance independence and quality of life.


What are the benefits of using KT Tape? 

KT Tape aids muscle movement and enhances athletic performance. It also relieves pain, reduces swelling and inflammation, and provides support to joints and muscles.


What are the common terms for different types of body movements

Flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, rotation, circumduction, supination and pronation, inversion and eversion, and dorsiflexion and plantarflexion.


What causes muscle fatigue? 

Intracellular acidosis due mainly to lactic acid accumulation. Certain diseases can also cause muscle fatigue. 


Explain the steps of applying KT tape to the knee.

1. make sure the surface of the knee is clean.

2.Sit or lie down with your knee bent. 

3. The base of the Y-tape is gently placed about halfway up the thigh muscle. 

4. Apply the tape with a gentle pull towards the kneecap, positioning the split part around the edge of the kneecap. 

5. Finish by bringing the ends together without pulling on the tendon below the kneecap.


What are the three types of cartilage found in the human body, and what structures do they support or make up?

1. Fibrocartilage: Tough and dense, it is found in areas requiring strong support and limited movement

2. Elastic cartilage: More flexible and found in structures requiring shape retention with flexibility

3. Articular cartilage: a smooth, hyaline cartilage that covers the ends of bones in synovial joints, reducing friction and absorbing shock during movement.


What is the difference between Active and Passive ROM exercises?

Active ROM: Movement of a joint provided entirely by the individual performing the exercise. (ex. ankle pops)

Passive ROM:  Movement applied to a joint by another person or a passive motion machine.