The elevation and retraction of the mandible.
What is the temporalis?
The muscle that originates at the angle of ribs 3-6.
What is the Iliocostalis cervicis?
The insertion of the trapezius.
What is the scapula and clavicle?
The origin of the adductor longus.
What is the pubis?
The origin of the fibularis longus.
What is the fibula (head and proximal)?
The insertion of the sternocleidomastoid.
What is the temporal bone?
The muscle that pulls the ribs upward to elevate the rib cage.
What are the external intercostals?
The action of forearm flexion and supination.
What is the biceps brachii?
Abducts femur and rotates thigh medially.
What is the gluteus medius?
Plantar flexion of the foot and flexion of the leg.
What is the gastrocnemius?
The muscle that originates from the frontal bone and the maxilla.
What is the orbicularis oculi?
The extension, flexion of spine, and rotation of ribs.
What is the longissimus thoracis?
The muscle that originated from the clavicle, sternum, and ribs 1-6.
What is the pectoralis major?
Adducts thigh, flexes, and medially rotate leg.
What is the gracilis?
Dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot.
What is the tibialis anterior?
The origin of the masseter.
What is the zygomatic process of the maxilla?
The muscle that extends and rotates the head.
What is the longissimus capitis?
The muscle that flexes, medially/laterally rotates, abducts, and extends the arm.
What is the deltoid?
The origin of the gluteus maximus.
What is the Ilium (posterior), sacrum (posterior), and coccyx (posterior)?
The origin of the soleus.
What is the tibia (proximal) and fibula?
The two muscles that pull the scalp posterior and raise the eyebrows.
What is the epicranius occipitalis and epicranius frontalis?
The two muscles that originate from the ilium (crest).
What are the internal obliques and transversus abdominis?
The action of adduction.
What is the long head of the triceps brachii?
Flexes, laterally rotates knee and extends thigh.
What is the hamstrings biceps femoris?
Toe extension, dorsiflexion, and eversion of the
What is the extensor digitorum longus?