Gavilo-Lane Random Facts
Body Composition
Metabolic Syndrome

Laurie Gavilo-Lane's daughter's name is ________.

Ten extra credit points if you know why

Drew Lane


While some of this is necessary for normal body function, excessive amounts are linked to chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

What is body fat?


Metabolic syndrome is a cluster of symptoms present in many overweight and obese people that increases their risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses; also called insulin resistance syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed if a person has at least 3 out of 5 of these key factors [name 3 factors]

•Large waistline (fat deposits in the abdominal region).

•High blood pressure.

•High fasting blood sugar (due to insulin resistance).

•High triglycerides.

•Low HDL (“good” cholesterol).


Weight loss in obese people is complicated; only about _______% of people can maintain weight loss after a year.

Weight loss in obese people is complicated; only about 10% of people can maintain weight loss after a year.


Some methods of assessing and classifying body composition are based on _______ and others on total body weight.

Assessments can provide you with information about health risks associated with your body weight and composition and help you establish reasonable goals.

What is BMI Body Mass Index or body weight?

Assessments can provide you with information about health risks associated with your body weight and composition and help you establish reasonable goals.


What is one of the boating competitions that Filipinos dominate?...

We are tiny but mighty!


This type of fat is stored around major organs and is also known as intra-abdominal fat.

What is visceral fat?

Essential fat: fat incorporated in various tissues of the body that is critical for normal body functioning.

Adipose tissue: tissue in which fat is stored; fat cells.

Subcutaneous fat: fat located under the skin.

Visceral fat: fat located around major organs; also called intra-abdominal fat.


Insulin resistance: a condition in which body cells do not respond normally to insulin and cannot easily absorb glucose from the bloodstream. 

Another name for insulin resistance is...

What is metabolic syndrome?


You don’t need weights to build muscular strength—exercises like planks effectively strengthen your core.

Pick one person from each group to do a plank competition.


A BMI between _____ and _____ is considered overweight.

What is 25 and 29.9?

A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight.


What is the most significant controllable risk factor for the most common type of diabetes (type 2 diabetes)?

Hint: Health condition common in Dr. Gavilo-Lane's family.

What is the most significant controllable risk factor for the most common type of diabetes (type 2 diabetes)?

Overweight/obesity is the most significant controllable risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Other controllable risk factors include smoking, low-fiber diets, and inactivity. It is estimated that 90% of cases of type 2 diabetes could be prevented if people adopted healthy lifestyle behaviors.


The prevalence of obesity in 2024 in the U.S. is:

a. 25%

b. 30%

c. 35%

d. 40%

e. 45%

d. 40%

During August 2021–August 2023, the prevalence of obesity in adults was 40.3%, with no significant differences between men and women. Obesity prevalence was higher in adults ages 40–59 than in ages 20–39 and 60 and older (CDC)


1 in ____ have metabolic syndrome.

1 in 3 or approximately 34% have metabolic syndrome in the U.S.


Scientists have so far identified more than ______ genes associated with obesity.

a. 30

b. 60

c. 90

d. 120

Scientists have so far identified more than 90 genes associated with obesity.

C. 90

Factors such as genetics, fat cells, metabolism, hormones, gut microbiota, and sleep can enormously influence individual behavior—both positive and negative—sometimes without our awareness.


You don’t need weights to build muscular strength—exercises like superman holds effectively strengthen your core.

Pick one person from each group to do a superman hold. If your entire group can do a superman hold for 30 seconds, you get the 300 points.


If your entire group can show us a side plank for 30 seconds, then you get the points.

You don’t need weights to build muscular strength—bodyweight exercises like planks, wall sits, and other movements effectively engage your muscles.


Name four reasons for the increasing rates of obesity in the U.S.

Possible explanations include:

•Increased calorie intake.

•More time spent in sedentary work and leisure activities.

•Fewer short trips on foot and more by automobile.

•Fewer daily gym classes for students.

•More meals eaten outside the home.

•Greater consumption of fast food.

•Increased portion sizes.

•Increased consumption of soft drinks and highly processed convenience foods.

Factors related to the Covid-19 pandemic—stress, social isolation, closure of gyms and other active spaces, reduction in daily physical activity, and changes to eating habits—may further raise rates of obesity.


Males and postmenopausal females usually develop the “__________ shape,” storing fat in the upper regions of the body—particularly in the abdominal area.

Hint: It's a fruit!

Males and postmenopausal females usually develop the “apple shape,” storing fat in the upper regions of the body—particularly in the abdominal area.


A ____ (higher or lower) RMR means that a person burns more calories while at rest and can therefore take in more calories without gaining weight.

A higher RMR means that a person burns more calories while at rest and can therefore take in more calories without gaining weight.

Some individuals inherit a higher or lower RMR than others; RMR may vary by as much as 25% among same-weight individuals.


Two ways that an individual can measure body mass index is...

1. Underwater weighing

2. Skinfold measurements (caliper tool)

3. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA)

4. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) works by measuring tissue absorption of high- and low-energy X-ray beams.

5. Total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC) estimates lean body mass by passing a body through a magnetic field.

6. Waist-to-hip ratio calculations


Laurie's broken bones from playing sports include...

Build strength and agility, not just endurance.

Broken wrists!


Obesity doubles mortality rates and can reduce life expectancy by _________ years.

Obesity doubles mortality rates and can reduce life expectancy by 10–20 years.


Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) the energy required to maintain vital body functions while the body is at rest, including respiration, heart rate, body temperature, and blood pressure.

A _________ [higher or lower] RMR means that a person burns ______ [more or less] calories while at rest and can, therefore, take in more calories without gaining weight.

A higher RMR means that a person burns more calories while at rest and can therefore take in more calories without gaining weight.

Some individuals inherit a higher RMR than others; RMR may vary by as much as 25% among same-weight individuals.


You don’t need weights to build muscular strength—exercises like wall sits effectively engage your lower body and core.

A wall sit is a bodyweight exercise that strengthens the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings, and core. To perform a wall sit:

  1. Stand with your back against a wall, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Slide down the wall until your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle, keeping your back flat against the surface.
  3. Hold the position for as long as possible, engaging your core and leg muscles.

Wall sits improve muscular endurance, stability, and lower body strength without needing weights.

Who's ready for a wall sit competition? 

Pick one member from your group.


When thinking about body shape type...

Endomorphs are _____ -shaped, with wide hips and shoulders.

•Endomorphs are round and pear-shaped, with wide hips and shoulders.

•Mesomorphs are lean and muscular and respond well to exercise.

•Ectomorphs are thin and linear, with narrow hips and shoulders.