what type of muscle is found in surrounding hollow organs, such as the GI tract
what is smooth muscle
What muscle is located on the upper chest and is the most superficial?
what is pectoralis major
What is the most deep muscle in the calf?
reacts to nerve impulses
What abdominal muscle is the most superficial?
what is external oblique
Each muscle is covered by what connective tissue?
what is epimysium
What muscle is found on the back of the humerus?
what is triceps brachii
What muscle runs from the top of the tibia down to your digits
what is extensor digitorium longus
contracts & can shorten in length
what is contractible
What muscle is found around the eye?
orbicularis oculi
Each fascicle is covered by what connective tissue?
What muscle is the most deep of all the abdominal muscles?
what is transverse abdominis
Name the glute muscles from most superficial to most deep
What is gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, piriformis, and gluteus minimus
stretches without damaging
what is extensible
What muscle runs from the chin/lower lip down to the collar bone?
Each muscle fiber is covered by what connective tissue?
What two muscles are located on the lower arm?
what is brachioradialis and wrist flexors
Name the quadriceps from lateral to medial.
what is vastus lateralis, rectus femoris, and vastus medialis
returns to original shape after contraction or extension
what is Elastic
What three muscles are found on the back?
what is trapezius, rhomboid, and latissimus dorsi
What is a difference between skeletal muscle cells and smooth muscle cells?
what is striations
What two muscles are located on the humerus?
What is Biceps Brachii and Brachialis
What hamstring muscle is the most deep?
what is semimembranosus
ability to receive and respond to a stimulus
What muscle is found between the tibia and the fibula?
what is extensor hallus