Muscle that is attached to bones
What is skeletal muscle?
The 3 main types of muscle
What are cardiac, smooth, skeletal?
The type of movement produced by the muscle
Act of bending or being bent
What is flexion?
What is the combining form for muscle?
A connective tissue layer that covers the muscle tissue
What is fascia?
Consciously choosing to contract the muscle
What is voluntary?
The less moveable of 2 bones (proximal attachment)
What is origin?
To drop down
What is depression?
What is the combining form for tendon?
The strong connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones
What is a tendon?
These types of muscles are involuntary
What are smooth and cardiac?
The more moveable of 2 bones (distal attachment)
What is insertion?
Turning palm upward
What is supination?
What is the suffix for weakness?
The outer layer of the bone where the tendon inserts into
What is the periosteum?
What is cardiac muscle?
Where skeletal muscles overlap to attach two different bones
What is a joint?
Movement away from midline of body
What is abduction?
The term for study of movement
What is kinesiology?
The motor neuron's point of contact with a muscle fiber
What is a neuromuscular junction?
Respiratory airways, stomach, blood vessels
What are smooth muscles?
Pair of muscles arranged around a joint that produce opposite actions
What is an antagonistic pair?
Turning outward
What is eversion?
The term for abnormal tone
What is dystonia?