General Characteristics
Joint/Muscle Actions
Injury and Disease
Injury and Disease

These types of muscles are Involuntary.

These types of muscles are Voluntary.

What are smooth and cardiac muscle?

What are skeletal muscle?


Which muscular system function is activated when someone enters a cold environment and they begin to shiver as a result?

What is heat production?


These motions of the head and neck are a result of the Sternocleidomastoid muscle.

What are Flexion/Extension, Rotation, and Sidebending?


Muscles and their tendons can experience injury and disease.  Which of the following is not a muscular or tendon injury we have discussed?

A. Muscle/Tendon Strain

B. Torn Muscle/Tendon

C. Pulled Muscle/Tendon

D. Muscle/Tendon Sprain

What is D?

Sprains do not affect muscles/tendons.  Sprains affect ligaments.


"Serious muscle weakness"

What is Myasthenia Gravis?


The "Strongest" connective tissue connecting the Gastrocnemius and Soleus to the calcaneus.

What is the Achilles Tendon?


This striated muscle type is responsible for mobility and posture.

What are skeletal muscles?


Which group of muscles perform the following actions: shoulder flexion, shoulder extension, and shoulder abduction?

What are the Deltoids?

Flexion = Anterior Deltoid

Abduction = Middle Deltoid

Extension = Posterior Deltoid


What words do each letter of the following acronym represent?


What is Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and Drugs (medication)?

"Bad Muscle Nourishment"

What is Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy?


Why are our feet/toes more susceptible to blood related pathologies than our hands/fingers?

What is the feet/toes are more distal than the hands/fingers?


Primary functions of the lower extremities ONLY!!!!!!

What are locomotion, weight bearing, and balance?


The greatest hip extensor.

What is the Gluteus Maximus?


For each grade of muscle/tendon strain provide a time frame from the day of the injury to the approximate full healing time of each grade.

What is Grade 1: One to four weeks

What is Grade 2: Two to Four months

What is Grade 3: 6 to 12 months 


List three symptoms of Myasthenia Gravis.

What is droopy eyelids, blurred vision, difficulty chewing, speaking, and swallowing, hoarse voice, and chronic muscular weakness which becomes worse with activity and becomes better with rest?


Why is important that the human body have larger muscle groups in the posterior lower extremity compartments than the anterior compartments of the lower extremities?

What is to work against gravity and to help maintain our balance by plantarflexing our feet?


This muscle is part of a group and this muscle helps to stabilize the patella and to keep the patella tracking normally when someone flexes and extends their knees.

What is the Vastus Medialis?


Which muscle Crosses our legs at the hips and flexes our knees?

What is the Sartorius muscle?


List three risk factors for muscle/tendon strains.

What are poor flexibility, overuse, repetitive motions, trauma, increased age, improper lifting techniques, weak muscles, bad posture, poor nutrition, lack of sleep (fatigue), and/or not enough rest?


What is the hallmark sign and symptom of Muscular Dystrophy?

Hint: Main characteristic

What is progressive muscle weakness and degeneration of skeletal muscle resulting in death?


List two ways which would require a person to use more force when moving their body weight or moving weight in general.

What is to increase the resistance, increase the weight, move the weight against gravity?


This group of muscles provides stability to your spine and pelvis which minimizes the risk of injury.  This group of muscles also improves your form during movements, and allows for better power transfer throughout your, which in turn, makes most exercises more effective.

What is our CORE?

Rectus Abdominus, Transverse Abdominus, External and Internal Obliques.


Which four muscle groups are incorporated when someone performs a squat?

What are the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and hip adductors?


List three signs and symptoms associated with the majority of muscle/tendon strains.

What are pain, swelling, bruising, decreased range of motion of the affect joints, and weakness of the affected muscle/tendon?


What is the hallmark sign and symptom of Myasthenia Gravis?

Hint: Main characteristic

What is chronic muscle weakness which worsens with activity and becomes better with rest?