Roll and glide direction of a convex surface moving on a concave surface.
What is opposite?
Artery palpated when performed Adson's test for thoracic outlet syndrome.
What is radial artery?
- Symptoms develop or worsen with repetitive activities
- Pain with grasping
- Wrist flexor RIT weak and painful
- Tenderness with palpation
What is medial epicondylalgia?
- Diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease
- Females 40-65 years old with a history of adhesive capsulitis in the contralateral arm
What is 2 risk factors from the adhesive capsulitis CPG?
Mobilizations to increase the range of motion in a joint.
What is grades III and IV?
Arthrokinematics of the humero-ulnar joint.
What is concave ulna moving on convex humerus?
Muscle being tested during the 'drop arm' test.
What is supraspinatus?
- PIP flexion + DIP hyperextension
- Blunt trauma to dorsum of PIP or PIP hyperflexion
- Common in ball handling sports
- Injury to extensor tendon just proximal to insertion on middle phalanx
- What is boutonniere deformity?
- Older than 45 years
- shaking their hands relieves their symptoms
- sensory loss in the thumb
- the wrist ratio index (greater than 0.67)
- scores from the Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire symptom severity scale (CTQ-SSS) (greater than 1.9)
What is grade B diagnosis recommendations from the carpal tunnel syndrome CPG?
Sustained joint play techniques that has 3 grades.
What is Kaltenborn?
Arthrokinematics of a MCP joint.
What is concave proximal phalanx moving on a convex metacarpal?
Excess laxity during valgus stress test in the elbow.
What is UCL involvement?
- Age: 10-35
- Atraumatic most common
- Looseness of the shoulder in all directions
- Pain typically in midranges of motion
- Decreased lower trap and serratus anterior activation
- What is multidirectional shoulder instability?
Intervention recommendation with a strong level evidence for adhesive capsulitis per the CPG.
What is corticosteroid injections?
Improves with a volar glide of the humeroradial joint.
What is elbow flexion?
Arthrokinematics of shoulder external and internal rotation.
What is convex humeral head rolling and gliding in opposite direction on the concave scapula?
Upper limb neurodynamics contralateral cervical side flexion.
What is sensitization?
- Result of repeated microtraumas and negative ulnar variance
- Most common in adult males
- Gradually worsening wrist pain
- Possible swelling over lunate
- Pain with palpation over the lunate
- Impaired wrist motion
What is Kienbock's disease?
Grade B biophysical agent interventions per the carpal tunnel syndrome CPG?
What is clinicians should not use low-level laser therapy, iontophoresis, and should not use or recommend the use of magnets?
Improve with first carpometacarpal joint ulnar glide.
What is thumb flexion?
Translational degrees and freedom at the glenohumeral joint.
3; superior-inferior, anterior-posterior, medial-lateral
A positing Froment's sign indicates this condition.
- Tenderness over the supinator muscle
- Pain with resisted supination of the forearm with the elbow flexed to 90 degrees and forearm fully pronated
- May have positive neurodynamic tests
What is radial tunnel syndrome?
Grade B interventions from the lateral elbow pain CPG.
What is isometric, concentric, and/or eccentric therapeutic resisted exercises, local elbow joint manipulation or mobilization techniques to reduce pain and increase pain-free grip strength, tendon or trigger point dry needling for the treatment of pain and functional deficits, and rigid taping techniques for immediate/short-term pain relief and improvement in pain-free muscle function?
Patient weight bearing and PT stabilizes the distal radius and ulna and provides radial glide to proximal carpal row.
What is closed chain wrist extension?