A 73 y/o woman who is 1 month s/p an open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) for a left femoral neck fracture is admitted with complaints of inability to bear weight or even turn in the bed due to increasing severity of pain which she rates a 10/10 in her left hip and thigh and notable decreased sensation in her left leg.
What is avascular necrosis?
This newer medication, which neutralizes Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) was originally approved for Crohn's disease and is now also approved by the FDA for R.A.
What is Remicade (Infliximab)
Post op care for this procedure to control spine pain includes keeping the patient in a flat supine position for 1 to 2 hrs or per MD order. Monitor VS & neurochecks & report any change immediately; apply ice pack to the puncture site & monitor for bleeding; assess pain & compare to pre-procedure pain scores; give mild analgesic as needed. Ambulate per order, assess for pain.
What is kyphoplasty?
An incision in the skin to relieve pressure and restore circulation in a traumatized limb.
What is a fasciotomy?
The nurse instructs the patient to avoid bending past 90 degrees, to avoid twisting legs in or out or crossing the legs, to keep a pillow between the legs in bed to prevent the thighs from touching if lying on the side, and to move to the edge of the bed or chair before standing.
What is post op hip replacement teaching?
Visible and palpable enlargement of the 1st and/or 2nd finger joints as a result of osteoarthritis.
What are Heberdeen and Bouchard's nodes?
This medication helps to regulate calcium and decrease bone resorption by inhibiting osteoclast activity and stimulating osteoblastic activity.
What is calcitonin, or Miacalcin nasal spray?
As the nurse taking care of an 85 y/o female admitted for dehydration and shoulder dislocation after a fall, you note multiple bruises in various phases of healing on her hips, thighs, and back. She has a stage 2 sacral decubitus. The patient is unkempt, her hair is tangled and her nails are very long and dirty. She is frail at 90#s and tells you she only gets to eat when her grand daughter provides her with food. You have a duty to report suspected elder abuse.
What is Adult Protective Services?
A 38 y/o male diabetic patient has a Stage III inner malleolar ulcer and chronic unremitting osteomyelitis. The nurse provides teaching to prepare the patient for special treatment using high concentrated oxygen therapy.
What is Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO)?
Double Jeopardy!!! A patient who had an open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) of a right tibia and fibula fracture is now experiencing chronic aching pain, hypersensitivity to touch in the right lower extremity, muscle spasms, and skin that alternates between warm, swollen, cool, clammy, or bluish.
What is Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (or Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy)?
Chondrogenic, fibrogenic, and osteogenic tumors.
What are benign bone tumors?
Sun sensitivity, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia, anemia, and nausea and vomiting are associated with this DMARD medication.
What is methotrexate?
A diabetic 60 y/o male patient who is s/p right below the knee amputation for bimalleolar osteomyelitis tells you that he think he is "losing his mind" because he is having pain in a leg that is no longer part of his body. As the nurse, you are able to provide him assurance and intervention for a particular kind of pain.
What is phantom limb pain?
Treatment for first degree injury in this category includes RICE; for 2nd degree injury the treatment is immobilization; for 3rd degree the treatment is 4-6week immobilization or surgery.
What is a Sprain?
Double Jeopardy! This category of injuries is commonly referred to as "muscle pulls" and are classified into 3 levels according to their severity (Ch 54)
What are strains?
A condition of massive breakdown & destruction of bones by large multinucleated osteoclasts followed by a compensatory reactive osteoblastic phase which results in structurally weak, deformed bones. Appears to have a genetic predispensation in twins.
What is Paget's Disease?
This group of medications should be used with caution in the elderly, those with a history of GI bleed, hypertension or history of edema or fluid retention
What are non steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS)
Most cases of Achilles tendonitis can be treated with RICE.
What is Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation?
Avoid sunlight, alcohol, pregnancy, and exposure to live virus vaccinations in order to reduce serious side effects of this drug used to treat Rheumatoid arthritis.
What is methotrexate?
State and Federal workplace laws have requirements to prevent repetitive stress injuries at work.Taking breaks from your desk and stretching exercises for the fingers and wrists along with ergonomic adjustments to equipment may help prevent this common injury.
What is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
A 55 y/o male diabetic patient presents with a temperature of 101 degrees F, and swelling, erythema, pain and tenderness at the site of a 2 month old left non-healing toe ulceration that he has not sought medical attention for until now.
What is acute osteomyelitis?
This medication is FDA approved for diabetic neuropathy and is also found to be helpful for phantom limb pain.
What is neurontin (gabapentin), or lyrica?
The RN, in performing an assessment prior to discharge of her geriatric patient is aware that the use of 3 or more drugs such as antidepressants and diuretics, having throw rugs throughout the home, and inadequate lighting are significant risk factors that require patient and family teaching on which topic?
What is Fall Prevention?
Double Jeopardy! A tool used by Rehab therapy or nurses to provide an exact measurement of flexion and extension or joint ROM.
What is a goniometer?
Double Jeopardy! A medical condition resulting from a crushing injury that results in myoglobinuric renal failure
What is rhabdomyolysis?