“Silent disease”. Chronic metabolic disease in which bone loss causes decreased density and possible fracture. The spine, hip and wrist are most often at risk.
Most common problem for patients with osteoporosis
Common complaints are clicking and popping, especially with navigating stairs and can even cause locking of the knee.
Mensical injury
Contracture of the palmar aponeurosis
Dupuytren's contracture
A treatment modality used to improve bone healing
Doing this for 30 minutes 3-5 times a week is the single most effective exercise for osteoporosis prevention.
Most common location for compression fractures
Thoracic spine
Massive eccentric load will cause this to happen and is often described as being "shot" or "hit with a bat" to the ankle
Achilles tendon rupture
Causes lateral brachial pain and is provoked with loading the shoulder into flexion; occurs from repetitive microtrauma or single traumatic event
Rotator cuff tear / injury
Joint mob that improves flexion, scaption and abduction (overhead movements)
Inferior glide
Nutrition therapy for pts with osteoporosis includes avoiding excessive consumption of these.
Alcohol and caffeine
Commonly misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel and responds well to mechanical traction
Cervical radiculopathy
Most common non-contact injury that affects younger females 7-10x more than males
ACL tear
Acronym for a fall on outstretched hand
The phase of rehab where eccentrics and plyometrics are added into the program
Return to Play / Sport Phase
Occurs when the vertebrae rotate and compress; spinal column begins to move into a lateral curve or "S" bend
Best modality for a patient who is claustrophobic and has lumbar radiculopathy
Positional traction
Fracture of the midfoot that is frequently missed in initial imaging
Pronator teres / FCU
Best imaging to identify a stress fracture
CT Scan
Another name for osteogenic sarcoma
Bone cancer
Cranio-cervical flexion test
Condition that entraps the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve and caused by weight belt compression (construction or police officers)
Meralgia Paresthetica
Following a spiral fracture of the humerus, patients can often lose this due to radial nerve damage
Wrist extension
The name for plantar digital neuritis, usually between 2nd and 3rd toes
Morton’s neuroma