Sticks and stones may break my bones...
Medical Dictionary
Assessment 101
What would you do if?
That wasn't supposed to happen
Type of fracture resulting from a twisting force applied to bone
What is a spiral fracture
Term used to describe returning a fracture or dislocation to the correct alignment
What is reduction
The frequency of neurovascular checks to be performed after a patient returns from OR after internal or external fixation of a fracture
What is hourly
What you would do if the neurovascular check of a patient in a new forearm cast reveals cool, dusky finger tips with paresthesias
What is notify the provider immediately and prepare for cast removal
Potential complication of compound fractures, external fixation devices or amputations in which bone becomes infected
What is osteomyelitis
Fracture commonly seen in pediatrics where the bone bends and partially breaks, due to the fact that bone is soft and flexible
What is a greenstick fracture
Inelastic tissue that encases muscles, blood vessels and nerves
What is fascia
This type of assessment is important to perform with amputees, knowing that they often experience body image changes, loss of independence and grieving
What is psychosocial
What you would do if your neighbor is involved in a lawnmower accident and after EMS rushes him to the hospital, you find his big toe laying in the grass
What is wrap the severed toe in a clean cloth, place it in a water-tight plastic bag and place the bag in ice water (1 part ice and 3 parts water). Take the toe to the hospital immediately
When sensation is felt in an amputated extremity (Ex. Patient with R BKA complains of R foot pain)
What is phantom limb pain
Type of fracture likely to be experienced by an elderly individual with a history of osteoporosis
What is a pathologic fracture
This potential complication of an amputation, is a tumor containing damaged nerve cells that may or may not cause pain
What is a neuroma
These components of a thorough neurovascular assessment are important to assess in a patient who has experienced a fracture or amputation (name 3)
What are skin color, temperature, sensation, mobility, pain, pulses and capillary refill
The nurse practitioner asks you to educate the patient on RICE therapy for his muscle sprain. RICE therapy consists of these 4 components
What are Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation
Potential complication of long bone fracture; symptoms may include altered mental status, dyspnea, pulmonary edema and petechiae of the upper chest
What is Fat Embolism Syndrome
In the first stage of bone healing (occurring in the first 24-72 hours), this forms at the site of injury
What is a hematoma
Excessive stretching of a muscle or tendon which causes inflammation and/or tearing of the muscle or tendon fibers
What is a strain
Type of traction commonly used to reduce muscle spasms in hip or femur fractures
What is Buck's traction or skin traction
A patient was just admitted to the ED with a closed femur fracture after a motorcycle accident. He is cool, clammy and has a blood pressure of 80/40. Appropriate nursing interventions would be
What are quickly assess for other life threatening injuries, assess ABCs, anticipate IV fluid bolus, obtain labs (check H&H), neurovascular check of extremity, NPO for possible surgery
Potential complication of a fracture in which increased pressure within the fascia can lead to decreased circulation and irreversible nerve damage
What is Acute Compartment Syndrome
Term used to describe a fracture in which a piece of bone has been pulled away by a ligament or tendon
What is an avulsion
Excessive stretching or tearing of a ligament
What is a sprain
Visual assessment findings with a dislocation or displaced fracture (name 2)
What are shortened limb, deformity (change in shape), and internal or external rotation
Your 87 year old patient is 3 days post-op from an ORIF for a hip fracture. Her daughter rushes out to tell you that all of the sudden her mother is pale, anxious and having trouble breathing. Immediate nursing interventions would include
What is assess the patient, obtain vitals including pulse ox, raise HOB, administer oxygen if needed, notify emergency response team, ensure adequate IV access, remain with patient
Term used to describe the breakdown of muscle fibers which release myoglobin into the bloodstream and can cause kidney damage
What is rhabdomyolysis