casts and traction
rheumatoid arthritis
Which of these nursing actions will best promote independence for the client in skeletal traction?Instruct the client to call for an analgesic before pain becomes severe. b. Provide an overhead trapeze for client use c. Encourage leg exercise within the limits of traction d.Provide skin care to prevent skin breakdown.
What is Provide an overhead trapeze for client use
The nurse is caring for a client with a gout. Which lab value is abnormal
What is Uric acid level
When developing the teaching plan for the client with rheumatoid arthritis to promote rest, which of the following would the nurse expect to instruct the client to avoid during the rest periods? a.Proper body alignment b.Prone lying positions c.Positions of flexion
What is Positions of flexion
When completing the history and physical examination of a client diagnosed with osteoarthritis, which of the following would the nurse assess?
What is Local joint pain
After surgery and insertion of a total joint prosthesis, a client develops severe sudden pain and an inability to move the extremity. The nurse interprets these findings as indicating which of the following?
What is Joint dislocation
A client who has had a plaster of Paris cast applied to his forearm is receiving pain medication. To detect early manifestations of compartment syndrome, which of these assessments should the nurse make Observe the color of the fingers Palpate the radial pulse under the cast Evaluate the response to analgesics
What is Evaluate the response to analgesics
A fracture of the femoral neck is suspected. what are the typical symptoms
What is The affected extremity is shortened, adducted, and extremely rotated
The major rationale for the use of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is to
What is Reduce the inflammation of the joints
At which of the following times would the nurse instruct the client to take ibuprofen (Motrin), prescribed for left hip pain secondary to osteoarthritis, to minimize gastric mucosal irritation?
What is Immediately after meal
The nurse is repositioning the client who has returned to the nursing unit following a hip replacement: the nurse would use
What is Pillow to keep the right leg abducted during turning
The client immobilized skeletal leg traction complains of being bored and restless. Based on these complaints, the nurse formulates which of the following nursing diagnoses for this client? a.Self care deficit b.Powerlessness c.Diversional activity deficit
What is Diversional activity deficit
The client with a fractured tibia has been taking methocarbamol (Robaxin), when teaching the client about this drug, which of the following would the nurse include as the drug’s primary effect? a. Killing of microorganisms b.Reduction in itching c.Relief of muscle spasms
What is Relief of muscle spasms
A female client with rheumatoid arthritis has been on aspirin grain TID and prednisone 10mg BID for the last two years. The most important assessment question for the nurse to ask related to the client’s drug therapy is whether she has
What is Tarry stools
The occupational health nurse is teaching a class on the risk factors for developing OA. Which is a modifiable risk for developing OA?
What is Being overweight
The nurse has an order to get the client out of bed to a chair on the first postoperative day after a total knee replacement. The nurse plans to do which of the following to protect the knee joint: a.Apply a knee immobilizer before getting the client up and elevate the client’s surgical leg while sitting b.Lift the client to the bedside chair leaving the CPM machine in place Obtain a walker to minimize weight bearing by the client on the affected leg
What is Apply a knee immobilizer before getting the client up and elevate the client’s surgical leg while sitting
The nurse is assessing the casted extremity of a client. The nurse assesses for which of the following signs and symptoms indicative of infection?
What is Presence of a “hot spot” on the cast
Which of the following would lead the nurse to suspect that a client with a fracture of the right femur may be developing a fat embolus? a.Acute respiratory distress b.Numbness in the right leg c.Muscle spasms in the right thigh
What is Acute respiratory distress
a client reports the onset of early symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. The nurse should conduct a focused assessment for:
What is Early morning stiffness.
A client with osteoarthritis will undergo an arthrocentesis on his painful edematous knee. explain what an arthrocentesis
What is "A syringe and needle will be used to withdraw fluid from your joint."
A client with osteoporosis needs education about diet and ways to increase bone density. what should be included in the teaching plan?
What is Maintain a diet with adequate amounts of vitamin D, as found in fortified milk and cereals.
client has Buck’s extension applied to the right leg. The nurse plans which of the following interventions to prevent complications from the device a.Give pin care once a shift b.Inspect the skin on the right leg at least once every 8 hours
What is Inspect the skin on the right leg at least once every 8 hours
client who had an open femoral fracture was discharged to her home, where she developed, fever, night sweats, chills, restlessness and restrictive movement of the fractured leg what could be occurring
What is Osteomyelitis
Which psychosocial problem would be priority for a client diagnosed with RA? a.Alteration in comfort b.Ineffective coping c.Anxiety d.Altered body image
What is Altered body image
The HCP prescribes glucosamine and chondroitin for a client diagnosed with OA. What is the scientific rationale for prescribing this medication? a.It will help decrease the inflammation in the joints b. It improves tissue function and may decrease breakdown of cartilage c.It increases the production of synovial fluid in the joint
What is It improves tissue function and may decrease breakdown of cartilage
The client diagnosed with osteoarthritis states, "My friend takes steroid pills for her rheumatoid arthritis. Why don't I take steroids for my osteoarthritis?"
What is Intra-articular corticosteroid injections are used to treat osteoarthritis.