Human History
Natural History
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Riddle Me This
All About Critters!
The Rib Stone in the Human History Hall was carved to look like this sleeping animal. What is that animal?
A bison! 

We have many living creatures in the Natural History Hall - name TWO different animals that are alive in this space. 

Fish - including the Northern Pike, Lucie. Turtles - the Western Painted Turtles and two types of snakes. Bull snake and Hognose snake. 


What tool did you use in Diana's lab to look at small plant specimens?

A microscope! 


I'm a shiny, black rock that has been made from cooled lava - people traded me for thousands of years and turned me into tools. What am I?



What part of her body does Penelope use to inject venom into her food? At the museum, she feeds on cockroaches! 

She uses her fangs! 


You have spent a great deal of time in Human History. Name THREE modes of transportation that can be found in the Human History Hall.

Canoe, truck, tractor, dog sled, motorcycle, airplane, horse, (will accept train because of our railway stories)


What two giant Ice Age animals looked very similar, but had two very different teeth structures because of the different vegetation they ate?

Mastodon and Mammoth


Kyle studies stone and bone artifacts that show how people lived many years ago. What is the name of his job or the museum department he works in?

Kyle is an Archaeologist or he works in the Archaeology department. 

I am a very fun and hands-on space in the museum! I'm made just for kids, and you can learn through play here. What am I?

The Children's Gallery! 


Millipedes are great for the environment because they eat rotting plant matter and fertilize the soil. What is the word that describes an animal that can do this?

A decomposer!


You saw this hammer-like tool on Day One with Lisa, and again with Kyle during our Human Library interviews. It has been used to pound meat, berries and bone. What is this hammer called?

A Stone Maul! The grooved stone was wrapped with animal hide and attached to a wooden handle. 


How would you describe the climate during the time when the dinosaurs roamed and there was a lot more marine life?

Overall, the climate was much hotter and humid. There were longer rain periods as well, which led to lush, rainforest-like areas. 

Gigi works in Conservation and helps to take care or repair different objects. She is repairing a bird mount, and is using what material to create new feathers?

Paper! She also paints the paper with water colour paints to give them their colour. 


I am sacred to many Indigenous communities because I came from the sky a long time ago. Who am I?

Manitou Asiniy or Creator's Stone. 


The Jungle Nymph and other stick insects use this strategy to hide from predators and keep themselves safe. What is this strategy called? 



The Farvolden family brought many items with them when they made the trip from Norway to Canada in 1922. Name TWO items they brought with them. 

The Farvolden's brought furniture like chairs and a cupboard, clothing, books, cooking supplies like a waffle maker, a basket, a rug and a violin! 


True or False? 

The older the Ice Age Bison (40,000 years old, 9,000 years old) the SMALLER the horns were. 

FALSE! Ice Age Bison that lived 40,000 years ago had much larger horns that those that lived 1,000 years ago or compared to the bison of today. 


Pete showed us many exciting critters today! He shared an interesting fact about animals that copy the behaviour of other animals to protect themselves. What is this strategy called?

Mimicry! (Will accept to mimic) 


Look up, way up and you'll see me in the lobby. I have been used during times of war and even for entertainment. What am I? 

The bi-plane! (More specifically the JN-Curtiss bi-plane.) 

Bi means two, and the bi-plane has two sets of wings. 


What does Islero the bullsnake use his tongue for when he sticks it out into the air?

He is 'tasting' the air or sensing the different smells in his surroundings. This is how he finds food or avoids danger. 

Dorothy Hepler was diagnosed with the disease Polio at just eleven years old. What TWO areas of her body were most affected by the disease?

Her lungs were greatly affected by Polio making it difficult to breathe. Her legs were also negatively impacted because she became paralyzed from the waist down, and lost movement in her legs. 


What TWO things helped the Edmontosaurus do so well during the time that it lived, even though predators like T-Rex lived amongst them!? 

Herd behaviour - the Edmontosaurus lived in groups and they alerted each other to danger. 

Endurance! Edmontosaurus had special leg muscles and tendons that allowed them to run for long periods of time. If they got a head start, they could outrun predators like T-Rex. 


Sean brought out many different fish, reptile and mammal specimens for us to look at! What is the special liquid called that keeps the specimens preserved (safe) in their jars. Hint, it's not water! 

Ethanol! I will accept alcohol as well, since Ethanol is a type of alcohol. 


I am a special place we visited behind the scenes. I am filled with objects you can touch and hold like coins, a butter churn and more! What am I?

The Learning Collection! 


The Hercules Rhino Beetles is very strong! Just how much can a male beetle lift times its own weight?

It can lift 850 times its own weight! About the weight of a bowling ball compared to its size.