This symbol divides the staff into equal parts
What is a barline?
This note gets 4 beats of sound
whole note
This sign looks like a hashtag and moves notes up 1/2 a step
What is a sharp sign?
These tell you how loud or soft you are supposed to play
What are dynamics
When you see this, it means to go back to the beginning and do it again
What is a repeat sign?
This note gets 2 beats
What is a half note
This sign cancels out sharps and flats
What is a natural sign
This dynamic means to play loud
What is forte
The 4th space of the Bass clef is what note name?
This sign marks the end of the piece
What is a double barline?
When a quarter note is above the 3rd line of the staff the stem goes which way
Down and on the left
This sign moves the note down a 1/2 step
What is a flat sign
This dynamic means to play soft
The 5th line of the bass clef is what note name
This is the distance between two barlines
What is a measure?
This note gets 3 beats
Which side of the note does the flat, natural or sharp sign go when we write them?
They go on the left side, or before the note
If you are playing extra loud you are playing this dynamic
What is fortissimo
The 5th line of the treble clef is what note name?
This sign tells you the higher parts on the staff and what note names to use
What is a treble clef?
This note gets 1/2 a beat
What is an eighth note
How long do sharps, flats, and naturals last on their note?
They last for 1 measure
When you are playing medium soft you are playing this dynamic
What is mezzo piano
Name all 4 sayings used to remember the note names for the treble and bass Clef
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