We have some notaries among us. Name four.
Mia, Kami, Brittany, Sarah
What does ICPC stand for?
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children
What are four of the six core practice skills listed on the GPS?
Engagement, Teaming, Functional Assessment, Planning, Intervening, Tracking & Adapting
This team lead is tying the knot in 29 days.
Audrey Griffin
Everybody is always asking "where is the IT guy", but never "how is the IT guy". Or in this case, who is our IT guy?
Clayton Littell
This one is easy, what does DCBR stand for?
Difficulty of Care Board Rate
All of our printers print, but which ones do it in color?
Six and Eleven
Name the person with the longest reign as supervisor
Elizabeth Paul
This person switched gears from adult protective services to child protective services.
Starla Fowler
SCEIS is where you go to enter your time. What does it stand for?
South Carolina Enterprise Information System
How many games of Monopoly are in the Lillypad?
Ghostbusters, Ms. Monopoly, Spiderman, Electronic Banking
This person on the leadership team has the joy of having twins.
A x B = C. This person's desk has the lowest square feet in the office.
Brandon Cornwell
National Youth in Transition Database
What color is the tab for the "Fire Response Evacuation" on the Emergency Response Procedures booklets?
We all know and love Catherine Harmon, but this wasn't always her name. What is Catherine's maiden name?
This classically trained chef put down their knives to help change the lives of children all over South Carolina.
David Batten
What does ISCEDC stand for?
Interagency System for Caring for Emotionally Disturbed Children
This cartoon character owns her own kitchen in the Suite 300 lobby.
Dora the Explorer
Name three of the five members of the leadership team that DO NOT have pictures of themselves outside of their door.
Marissa, Audrey, Elizabeth, Becca, Sarah