The Trumpet and Trombone are in this family.
Brass family
This is what all sounds are made of.
They receive one beat, in most cases there are four in every measure. (hint what is the correct name for a "Ta").
Quarter Note
The Clarinet and Oboe are in this family. Most of these instruments use reeds.
Woodwind family
The section that is in the light purple on our instruments poster.
The sticks you strike a xylophone with.
A mallet
They receive half of a beat, so it takes two to make a whole beat. (Hint: What is the correct name for a "ti-ti")
Eighth note
The Cymbals, Timpani and Snare Drum are in this family. You hit, strike or shake these instruments.
Percussion section
This is how we make sound on a brass instrument
Buzz your lips
Receives an entire beat but makes no sound.
Quarter rest
The Cello and Violin are in this family. You use a bow to play these.
String family
To what instrument family does your teacher's instrument belong? (Hint the instrument she's been playing since 4th grade. You see this instrument every day!)
String! (Guitar)
I take up a whole measure in 4-4 time. most think I look like a doughnut. I am the largest note as far as the number of beats I receive.
Whole note
The Saxophone is in this family.
Woodwind family
Brass and Woodwinds
A piece of plastic used to strum the guitar strings.
We notate this when there are four sounds on one beat. (Hint: What is the correct term for a "Tik-a-tik-a")
Sixteenth notes