This DLE features an instrument that works through an electromagnetic field created by two antennae
This term refers to patterns of sounds and silence and how they interact with the steady, underlying pulse of the music
This is the instrument classification and family of a violin
chordophone, string
This type of American Folk music has its best preservations found in the Appalachian Mountains: containing multiple verses that tells a story
This composer wrote "The Four Seasons" a collection of string concertos based off of sonnets.
Antonio Vivaldi
This DLE was a suite composed by Saint-Saëns and has 14 movements each pertaining to a specific something on Earth.
Carnival of the Animals
This term refers to how a sound sounds.
This instrument contains stops, pedals, and long, metal/wood structured airways for sound to travel through
Pipe Organ
The type of song that "Wade in the Water" is classified as
One of the most famous Russian composers: composed the Nutcracker Suite (spelling must be correct)
Composed by a Dutch composer, this piece featured two people performing a unique piano/hand-clapping piece.
Digit #2
The song you normally here playing at the beginning of recharge announcements is classified as this.
Theme Song
This is the highest male voice- can sing a soprano/alto range
Representing an avenue for rebellion on fashion, social activities, and culture: this music genre has always been a business, and really flourished during the post-war era
Rock 'n' Roll
The type of ensemble featuring 10 or more musicians and 4 sections of instruments, playing half-arranged/half-improvised versions of music
Big Band
A percussion group that was founded in 1991 in Brighton, England: they specialize in performing music using ordinary, every day objects as percussion instruments
A type of musical texture consisting of two or more simultaneous lines of independent melodies
This type of drum originated from the Igbo people of Nigeria, with the physical structure resembling a teardrop with a small hole in the middle. It possesses a subtle bass tonal quality creating liquidy water-droplet sounds.
Udu Drum
Developed in the 1940's this style of Jazz music was meant to be listened to and not danced to; containing fast tempos, high syncopation, and new chords. Popular performers include Charlie Parker and Tehelonius Monk
The abbreviated solfege system that was commonly used in Shape Note Singing
John Cage's arguably most famous piece of music: performed by sitting at a piano in "silence" for a specific amount of time which is also the title of the piece itself.
Instrumental music that carries some extra musical meaning, some “program” of literary idea, legend, scenic description, or personal drama
programme music
This Icelandic folk instrument is among the zither family: shaped like a pyramid without a top, containing six strings that are played with a bow
Originating in Europe, between 1750-1855, this genre of music was named after the ancient ideals of Greece and Rome, which were the inspiration for the music, architecture, and art of the time.
The three broad categories of music are as follows...
traditional/folk, classical, and popular