Articulation Town
Composer's Corner
Disney Movie Music
Musical Terms
Mr. Dill's Favorites

The name of the musical symbol seen here:

What is "Staccato"?


This composer was almost fully deaf when he conducted the premier of his famous 9th Symphony.

Who is "Beethoven"?


This 1997 film features Roger Bart singing about "Going the Distance". 

What is "Hercules"?


This term lets you know that the tempo is slowing down gradually. 

What is "ritarando"?


This instrument was Mr. Dill's primary instrument in college.

What is the "Flute"?


The line that connects these two notes. Careful, they're different!

What is a "slur"?


This movie composer is famous for the Olympics Theme Song. 

Who is "John Williams"?


This 1994 film turned Broadway musical features actor Jeremy Irons singing about being prepared.

What is "The Lion King"?


This general term is used to describe "piano", "forte", and others; they tell you how loud to play. 

What are "Dynamics"?

This rapper and singer is Mr. Dill's current favorite female artist. She has been the subject of several trivia clues! 

Who is "Doja Cat"?


The name for the musical symbol connecting these two notes: be careful, they're the same! 

What is a "tie"?


This composer lived from 1918-1990, composed the music for West Side Story and conducted the New York Philharmonic for decades.

Who is "Leonard Bernstein"?


This 2017 film focuses on memory and Dia de los Muertos, with the title character being asked to "Remember Me".

What is "Coco"?


This term describes the process of unifying intonation throughout the ensemble. 

What is "tuning"?


Mr. Dill's favorite movie trilogy of all time features a long awaited party, a fellowship, and a return. Movie music by Howard Shore makes it a true work of art.

What is "The Lord of the Rings"?


The name of this short and heavy articulation: 

What is "Marcato"?

This American trumpeter, vocalist, composer, and band leader lived from 1901-1971 and was famous for such songs as "What a Wonderful World" and "Ain't Misbehavin'" 

Who is "Louis Armstrong"?


This waterlogged 1989 animated film turned Broadway Musical is being performed by the Havre de Grace High School Drama Club later in April, 2022!

What is "The Little Mermaid"?


This term is used to describe the proper relationship between melody, harmony, and accompaniment. It is also what you are demonstrating when you stand on one foot! 

What is "balance"?


Mr. Dill's secondary instrument

What is "the piano"?


This articulation that tells you to sustain each note for its full value.

What is a "tenuto"?


This famous singer, composer, and jazz icon was referred to as the "Queen of Jazz" and was known for her impressive vocal improvisation, among other things. 

Who is "Ella Fitzgerald"? 


This 2009 movie features actor Keith David singing about his character's friends of the "other side". 

What is "Princess and the Frog"?


The distinction given to instruments like the oboe and bassoon that makes them different than clarinets and saxophones.

What is/are "double reed instruments"?


This composer lived from 1860-1911 and is Mr. Dill's favorite of all time. Also the subject of several trivia questions. 

Who is "Gustav Mahler"?