Volume or How Loud/Soft you sing or play
State ONE rule about being IN the Classroom
Respect Classroom; do not destroy anything.
What is the name of the song we just learned?
I'd Like to Teach the World To Sing
Bruce Lee Parker
What is Ms. Parker's dog's name?
Define Call/Response.
When I sing it, you sing it back.
Staying on the Note or Melody
State ONE rule about entering Classroom
Enter Silently.
There are 4 Verses of this song.
I'd Like To Teach The World to Sing.
Los Angeles, CA
Where is Ms. Parker from?
Define Syncopation.
The Beat or Rhythm
State ONE rule while in classroom DURING INSTRUCTION TIME
Do not speak while teacher is talking, No Foul Language
What song did we learn before "I'd Like To Teach the World to Sing"?
Keep Your Lamps Trimmed & Burning
Piano, Guitar, Drums
What instruments does Ms. Parker play?
What is a cue? (How does Ms. Parker tell you to start singing?)
When Ms. Parker says "1, 2, 3.." to start the song.
Beats Per Minute
5 Points
How many points do you need to receive the reward?
Sing One Line of I'd Like To Teach the World to Sing
What was one of the foods Ms. Parker cooked? (hint* it was on the slide on the first week when she introduced herself)
Show me Standing Singing Posture.
repeats over and over again
Raise your hand when you hear your name.
Sing All of Keep Your Lamps Trimmed & Burning.
What color is Ms. Parker's name in on the board when you come into class?
Show Me Seated Singing Posture.