How many counts is a Quarter Note in 4/4 time
What is 1 count?
When one instrument plays alone.
What is Solo?
What is treble clef and bass clef?
The music term that means to gradually increase the volume of music
What is Crescendo?
Name four instrument families
What are String, Percussion, Woodwind, Brass?
How many counts is a Half note in 4/4 time.
What is 2 counts
When two musicians play together
The first line of the treble clef staff
what is E?
The music term that means to gradually decrease the volume of the music
What is Decrescendo?
What instrument family does the tambourine belong to?
How many counts are in a whole note?
what is 4 counts
What is Accent?
The fifth line of the treble clef staff
What is F?
The speed of music
What is tempo?
What instrument family does a piano belong to?
What is percussion and string?
How many whole notes can be in 1, 4/4 measure?
What is 1 Whole Note?
A music notation that indicates a gradual slowing of the tempo.
What is ritardando?
The Fourth line of the Bass Clef
What is F?
A pattern on time in music
What is Rhythm?
What instrument family uses reeds to play their instruments?
What is Woodwind Instruments
How many how many quarter notes can be in a 2/4 time signature?
What is 2 quarter notes?
What music term means to gradually increase the speed of music?
What is Accelerando
The first line of the Bass Clef
What is G?
When two or more notes are played together
What is Chord?
Name 3 woodwind Instruments
Possible Answers, What are Piccolo, Flute, Bassoon, Saxaphone, English Horn, Oboe, Bagpipe, Contrabassoon