When should you use the bathroom?
Before or after class
The seat is for your _______ only.
List the 5 MUSIC expectations
1. Make your BEST music
2. Use instruments and equipment properly
3. Sing and Speak ONLY when asked
4. Involve yourself in ALL activities
5. Consider others and be kind :)
Do you need to ask to get a tissue?
No, get up and get one
What symbol do you hold up if it's an emergency and you must go to the bathroom?
'R' in sign language
What are the three seating options?
1. Floor
2. Wiggle Seat
3. Pillow
How many people does it take to lose a note on the board?
How many music notes do you need to earn and keep to get a prize?
How many people can go at a time?
What do you do before you enter the music class to get your seat?
Make eye contact
Say "Yes" or "Ready"
One person isn't following that rule
When are you allowed to get a drink and how do you ask?
Lining up to leave music
Hold up a 'd' in sign language
When you get back from the bathroom, what do you do?
Put the stick back in the corner
How many numbers do you get to color in on your class BINGO chart at the end of each class?
It depends on how many notes are left on the board
Should you go on the stair steps?
What do you need to do before you leave to the bathroom?
Girls: Pink
Boys: Blue
Put the stick BEHIND your dot
What is the process if you "Lose Privilege"?
1. Put the seat back
2. Write your name and class on the board
3. You don't get a seat for the rest of class and the next week
How do you earn free time?
Earning 10 in a row on the class BINGO chart
What is the Meta Moment area used for and how can you go there?
Someone makes you mad and you need a break
Hold up 'M' in sign language
Go to the rest area and breathe, fill out the worksheet, see where you are on the Mood Meter, and take the Meta Moment steps