A unit of duration signified by an oval.
What is a Whole Note?
Major key that consists of no sharps and no flats.
What is C major?
The bottom number represents what note equals one beat. The top number represents how many notes are in a single measure.
What is a Time Signature?
The scale pattern that consists of W-H-W-W-H-A2-H.
What is a Harmonic Minor?
Intervals that are one half-step larger than a perfect or major interval.
What is an Augmented Interval?
Signifies the end of a measure or section.
What is a Double Bar Line?
Major Key that consists of 4 sharps.
What is C# major?
This means to gradually get faster.
What is Accelerando?
A scale that allows you to eliminate the 2nd and 6th pitches and add a new note between the original 4th and 5th.
A three-note chord.
A symbol that lowers the note one half-step.
What is a Flat?
Minor key that consists of 3 flats
What is c minor?
The first beat of the first measure in music.
What is Downbeat?
A musical scale with 5 notes per octave.
What is a Pentatonic Scale?
What is the arithmetic distance of an interval?
This signifies to play very soft in a specific part.
What is pianissimo?
Three or more pitches sounding simultaneously.
What is a Chord?
This means to be quick and lively.
What is Vivace?
A different name to describe the A natural minor scale.
What is Aeolian mode?
The fifth of the chord is in the bass.
What is a Second Inversion?
This symbol represents 4/4 time.
What is Common Time?
This includes common time signatures that feature the dotted quarter note as the beat. Eighth notes would be beamed in multiples of three.
What is Compound Meter?
One or more beats in a partial measure before the first measure in music.
What is Anacrusis?
Centering the key around the 6th scale degree of a major scale.
What is a Minor Scale?
There are many ways to resolve this chord. A few examples are Ornamental Resolution and Transferred Resolution.
What is the Dominant Seventh?