The treble clef is drawn on this line (Bottom to Top)
Second line (G)
Fourth Line
The staff contains ____ lines
The symbol that raises a given pitch
Sharp (Draw it)
The note E is on the ___ space in bass clef
Treble clef and bass clef are exactly the same (T/F) (Explain)
F (Explain)
Another name for bass clef is
F clef (Why?)
The first line on the staff in treble clef is
C major and A minor
The note F is on the ____ line in treble clef
Staff is drawn on what side of staff
Bass clef is written on right side of staff (T/F)
The staff has ____ spaces
Key signature is on what side of a given clef
Another name for Treble Clef
G clef
Bass clef is used for notes below ______ on piano
Middle C (C4)
The staff contains and reuses this many musical notes
Names of key signature with one sharp only
G Major or E minor
Name of note below the first line in treble clef (Bottom to Top)
D (Explain)
Bass clef is used for ____ voices in ensembles
Middle C (C4)
Key signature with one sharp only is on what line in bass clef
Fourth line (F)
C (C4)